I have gotten many requests from dragons, as how to become a worthy adversary to the Withered Aegis as they progress in age. I will try to explain to the best of my ability, how and why you would want to improve your stats.

First Thing to Consider - Preference

Do you prefer to be a melee dragon or are you more into the arcane arts and wish to cast magic to cause primary damage?

If you prefer Melee you will want to go the role of a Lunus dragon. There are attributes that will enhance your melee skill once you obtain Adulthood. If you prefer Magic, you will want to go the role of a Helian dragon. There are attributes that will enhance your magical abilities once you obtain Adulthood.
Role of Melee vs Magic for a Dragon Keep in mind, this is a general overview for a dragon and not a delineation.
Melee dragons hit harder with Tooth & Claw skills than a Magical dragon would. Melee is faster than casting magic but is limited to attacking a single creature during combat.
Magical dragons do more damage with Primal skills than a Melee dragon would. Magical casting is slower but it is not limited to attacking a single creature during combat.
It is true that even a melee dragon can cast Primal spells, but that I can discuss in detail at another time.
Recommended Skill Attributes for a Melee Dragon If you prefer to go as a Melee dragon, I recommend following the Lunus path, and I recommend adding to the skill attributes of Tooth & Claw, Strength, Evasion, and Dexterity, in that order.
My reasons are thus: Tooth & Claw is the primary damage weapon for a melee dragon and the ability to strike a target is partially based on this skill.
Strength is the factor that affects the ability of damage to inflict upon a successful ?hit? when in combat. The more strength the greater the damage, the sooner you slay the nasty creature.
Evasion is the factor that affects the ability for your character to avoid being hit when in combat. The more evasion, the better the chances are that you will not be struck when attacked.
Dexterity is the factor that affects the ability to be able to hit a creature and to avoid being hit by a creature when in combat. The more dexterity you have the greater the chances are you will strike the creature and avoid being hit by your adversary in combat.
Recommended Skill Attributes for a Magical Dragon

If you prefer to go as a Magical dragon, I recommend following the Helian path, and I recommend adding to the skill attributes of Primal, Power, Evasion, and Focus, in that order.
My reasons are thus: Primal is the primary damage weapon when casting spells for dragons and the ability to land the spell is partially based on this skill
Power is the factor that affects the ability of damage to inflict upon a successful ?hit? when in combat. The more power, the greater the damage, and the sooner your adversary lies at your feet, a smoldering heap.
Evasion is the factor that affects the ability for your character to avoid being hit when in combat. Evasion is more a factor for a young Helian dragon, as I will explain later.
Focus is the ability to land a spell when casting. Focus is also supposed to be a key factor in the healing powers of the breeze lines of spells.
My Recommendations for Dragons as they progress
Hoard ? Hoard plays a vital attribute to a dragon, not only in the beginning levels but throughout the life of a dragon. Check your hoard levels frequently and raise your hoard as you level. Try to keep your hoard on par with your level. Not only does maintaining your hoard provide you with the highest natural armor base, but it also enhances the damage you inflict with your breath weapon.
Scales ? Depending upon your dragon?s philosophical path (either Helian or Lunus), you will want to obtain scales that enhance your primary abilities. Initially I recommend all dragons to obtain Armor scales to increase their armor factor and progressively wean off of the armor scales into their true combat characteristic scales once they are adept in evasion.
Feel free to ?experiment? with your stats - Each person has a preference in combat abilities with his/her dragon. Some dragons like to cast a spell yet melee 90% of the time. Adding points in Primal if you are a Lunus dragon does not impede you from becoming an ?uber? melee dragon, it just enhances your personal style of play.
Quests ? Perform all of the dragon quests as soon as you are able to. Some quests may require assistance due to their difficulty, so plan having a party from time to time.

Join ?Dragon? Chat channel ? Many dragons occupy this channel, so if you have questions or are in need of assistance of any kind, there are many ?old? dragons that are willing to lend their knowledge and skill.
Summary Each character is unique and what works for one player may not be your ideal style of playing, so feel free to ask many of the dragons in the game, or in Dragon chat. You will find me online often, and if you have questions, and I am online? feel free to send me a message, I will answer to the best of my ability.

I hope this will help a little and answer a few of the questions.