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Thread: Bits and Pieces

  1. #1

    Default Bits and Pieces

    I have fun reading posts in the forums on patch day while at work. Some are very entertaining. One of the best threads I have read in recent history was moved to the rants folder. Ah well...

    The reply there by Kumalata of Order was one of finest I've ever seen. Nicely done!

    Another patch goes by... a few little fixes that make zero difference to me. Each week and month that goes by (lately) gives crafters like myself more to 'hrumpf' over. Not complaining, per se, just observing. Sooner or later, every little Istarian subclass will have SOMETHING to complain about, lol.

    Dragons HAVE gotten LOTS of attention lately. I can remember not too long ago when every dragon on the server was moaning about Tulga's inaction on equitable dragon implementation. Now they're moaning in ecstacy, or should be. The big boys (yeah, I'm rating 136, but that's an accident) have one fun little quest after another... SOG to warm up on, Valkor to camp, Reklar to play with, and now the Old Oaks neighborhood to save... I hope the Adventuring types are chuckling with glee. (Shoot, they even snuck the little PvP Arena in to sate the bloodthirsty little buggers' appetites a bit more!!!)

    Crafters on the other hand, have taken their turn in the back seat, yes? In the past several months, about the only thing that turned my crank was when they screwed up the 'tricking and teching' of Yew Staves, and then fixed it several weeks later. That WAS exciting, wasn't it?!?

    I've been merrily levelling a few more craft schools [ Read: Grinding for hours ad nauseum out in Spiritist Swamp ], building a few more shops and silos on my plot, and waiting patiently for the tide to turn back in favor of crafters. (Horizons IS primarily a crafting game, isn't it?!?) We get tantalizing tastes of a few nifty things to come: Forms to make Weapon/Tool dyes, to alleviate the absolute GLUT of Chroma on lthe craft trade market. Crystals/Cogs/Gears... er, it HAS been awhile since we heard about that, hasn't it? Tier VI resources, mobs, etc?? Level Caps, both Craft and Adv are long overdue. Implementation of the Confectioner and DP changes, making Taverns worthwhile. ( I still haven't figured out what to use a Library for... sheesh. As if I'd wanna keep all those extra Tier 1-3 forms and techs... ) As for there being anything new, like usable Books, in-game mail, functional furniture for houses (..uh, and Doors?!? ), and so on.

    Never mind Dungeons and seriously fun stuff like Locks, and Keys...

    Speaking of which, D & D online has their opening event Friday night the 24th, then goes live on the 28th, I think...

    I love crafting. I tolerate adventuring. I like my Guild, my plot, and lots of nifty terrain.
    I hate stagnation. I really hate waiting. I detest a development crew who seem to lack any rational sense of direction, and who implement changes that must make sense to them in some way, but which make the game more boring or frustrating to almost every player you ask.

    Pawnbroker changes? Mithril/Cobalt changes? I mean, gosh, they even took out the Blackstaff Quest about the Rune-Covered Pipe & the Gnomish Pipeweed. Pffft. Dummies.

    Been here for 2 years now. Been very patient, always paying for 1, sometimes 2, accounts.
    But at the pace improvment has occured, I'm REALLY glad that The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is due out in a month. That'll give me something fun to do while I'm waiting for THESE turkeys.

    How're YOU all doing?

    Oh, and I hate Fanbois and Trolls. And flamers. Flamers just suck, don't they?!? ;p

    Don't ya just love patch days???

    See ya in Chaos.
    100 Reaver, Druid, Spiritist, Mage, 96 Healer, 98 Shaman, 67 Ranger, 40 Conjurer, 30 Monk, and 20 Scout & Cleric. Grandmaster Crafter, Chaos.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Bits and Pieces

    Ya know, I agree with ALL that SO much, there's nothing else for me to say![Y][Y][Y]

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