If a hatchling dragon is doing the ROP and is invited to watch another dragon on the "peak of storms" transform, any interaction with the hermit gets messed up until the player dumps the "emblem" that was given to the hatchling to another character.

We found this out the hard way last night when my wife was told, after getting the 5 shards of faces off of 5 dead guardians, to come speak to the hermit when she was ready to do battle with the crystal golem. The dialog window came up right after she looted the last shard of faces, telling her "thanks for the shards... etc" and to speak with him again to do battle with crystal golem. She didn't even have to go back to the hermit to show him the shards... when she spoke to him again He kept repeating "Ahh I see you have an emblem .... blah blah blah" and she thought she had advanced the quest, as it said "go kill the crystal golem" in the quest window.

She arrived at the meteor drop zone and no crystal golem, so she gave me the "emblem" that allowed her to go to the peak of storms, and went all the way back to the hermit. he then told her to go combat the crystal golem, here's your buff, now GO!

The quest continued as normal, with the crystal golem appearing on queue.

Synopsis: If you are doing the ROP and you have an emblem to visit the peak of storms, drop it in your vault as it screws up your ROP interactions with the Hermit.