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Thread: Query about Channel Etiquette

  1. #21


    If I am available I definitely don't mind helping someone make an item. But do they really except a level 100 player to drop everything for them? I think they do, they certainly act like it.
    If I am playing the game, and am busy, why should I stop for every request? I can make nearly anything in game now (except food) and I just can't stop and make things for people too lazy to check the consigners or to seek out crafters their own level, they do exist.
    I barely even check market anymore, I just ignore the channel except when I'm really bored. I will offer to make something if I'm near a vault and machine and people bring me the materials, but they never do. I will continue to act the same way, and force the newer people to play properly instead of having everything handed to them

  2. #22
    Member Helcat's Avatar
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    Wherever Mayhem Ensues


    Quote Originally Posted by AA0
    I will offer to make something if I'm near a vault and machine and people bring me the materials, but they never do.

    It's because they are newer players, and lack the necessary skill
    to gather the resources.

    This is yet another symptom of the broken economy. Skilled crafters
    don't actually NEED to spend coin on anything, so they no longer
    attempt to make coin via their craft. They work for free. But only
    if you gather the resources. If we actually had a functioning economy,
    and players NEEDED to earn coin, then we'd have competition between
    crafters to win craft orders, and a return to service, rather than
    "bring me everything I need and I'll hit the CREATE button."
    Got Cowbell?

  3. #23


    Part of the problem is lack of understanding of the new players from my viewpoint asking a level 100 crafter to make a bronze tool/weapon when checking the craft search shows crafters that can still gain xp for the item and are available is understandable but hardly the right way to approach things. Impatience or the need for instant gratification seems to be the exception to the rule rather then the norm but i see it often enough that i am reluctant to help those that want it right now .If some one can answer a question , for the most part they do a lot of them do get answered in the new player assistance channel , i answer lots of questions if im not hunting or crafting in a dangerous area that being said. Its hard to judge the attidued of both the asker and the rest of the players by simply monitoring the channel intermittantly. I will do what i can to help but when it goes beyond help and moves into the attitued of spoon feeding and or power leveling i wont go there. I am a bit concerned that i see far too much advice that has a good intent but in the long term cripples some players they become dependant on freebies or quick fixes prime example is the map pack its a wonderful tool but if you have never actually roamed the world you become dependant on the map for everything dependancy on a crutch is not a good way to keep players .
    Given enough time and the proper temperament anything doable in game is possible
    Confectioner first last and always

  4. #24
    Member Vlisson's Avatar
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    on unity the new player channel is unoccupied

  5. #25


    For me, it depends on the channel. If I open up new Player Assistance channel for myself, for every question that I can answer that is not answered already by another player, I will send a reply.

    However, if I do not have the time or focus I do not open up that channel for myself. In my main channel, dragon, (I also have marketplace open) I do sometimes try to answer questions, but I refuse to respond to every question that I cannot answer, or to explain why I cannot stop and help craft X. I would sit their all day, spamming the channel with "I do not know, player X".

    I don't believe a person should be ignored, but I don't understand why new players get their feelings hurt so badly. Part of the game to me, is exploration, and part of the challenge is to figure things out for myself. Even as a newbie, if I asked can anyone help me with a question, and I didn't get a reply - then it was pretty easy to assume that no one could help for a various number of reasons. I just asked back later if I was still having problems.

    I have noticed myself, that in marketplace or dragon, that if someone is polite, and asking questions that are reasonable, the answers are quite plentiful. The new players that repeatedly ask questions in a demanding way though, I think turn people off, and are less likely to receive a response.

    Perhaps I am just a grump though I do not believe that every new player needs a full set of gear or spells as soon as they hit level 10. Certainly it is nice, but I do not think it is a must. It is more difficult to gear up as a biped, with all the tools, cargo and adventure gear, but part of that onus should also be on the player, and hopefully, a guild to help them out. The kindness of "strangers" is one of the greatest things about this game, but must it be an expectation?

    56/58/14 Hatchling

  6. #26


    The broken economy just isn't that simple. All new players can gather any t1 resource they want, they just don't want to. I do attempt to start the economy, which is why I only offer if nobody speaks up, I really wish these people would get a brain and look for people their own craft level instead of spamming and whining endless to high end players for t1 equipment.

  7. #27
    Member Helcat's Avatar
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    Wherever Mayhem Ensues


    Great. So they can gather Tier One resources. But let's
    be real here. New players requesting Tier One items are
    invariably directed to the New Trismus consigner, which
    is usually well stocked with the basics.

    I'm referring to the countless requests for T2 & T3 items
    that go ignored because crafters, not in need of earning
    additional coin, simply don't want to be bothered. If we're
    going to continue to get down on new players for wanting
    things handed to them on a platter, let's be honest here
    and admit that our veteran crafters want the same, when
    they refuse to craft unless they are delivered every resource
    and can press the CREATE button. This is the crafter version
    of whack-a-mole. You would think we would aspire to better.
    Got Cowbell?

  8. #28
    Member Helcat's Avatar
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    And I disagree. I think it really IS that simple. Veteran players,
    having benefitted from PB farming/blight farming/etc... have
    more coin than they can spend, and therefore have zero
    incentive to offer a paid service. Since they don't need the
    coin, they can restrict their crafting to personal items and
    crafting for guildies. I see new players offering coin all the
    time for crafted items. No one is interested.
    Got Cowbell?

  9. #29


    Well that is the way it always has been pretty much if you wanted a weapon/tool/scale/spell I supplied the bars/boards/orbs/brricks and the techparts and the crafter then made them for me. On ocassion i even bought the form so it could be made so in that respect nothing much has changed.
    many crafters once they have accomplished severaltiers they may not stock the the basis necessities for a t2 item when they are a t5 crafter its not unreasonable to ask them to get the stuff together and you make if for them. i myself have gathered or obtained many things for a weapon or tool in the past and i consider it the norm not the exception unless the specific crafter is feeling magnomous
    I grant you some of what is going on is not the best way to give a good impression of the game nor necessarily the best policy however to use a real life example you simply do not walk into a store and demand the owner of the store sell you a specific item when there are dozens of salespeople on the floor.
    Last edited by Vandellia; May 25th, 2006 at 04:37 PM.
    Given enough time and the proper temperament anything doable in game is possible
    Confectioner first last and always

  10. #30


    Tantalyr, I’m sorry your thread got hijacked, but I’d like to seriously respond to the original question, and to comment on the route we are now traveling.

    First, until a few weeks ago, on Order at least, I found “New Player�, “Marketplace�, and “Dragon� very helpful channels, and at the time, I don’t feel that may, if any questions went unanswered. I feel the problem, that everyone is dancing around, is the fact that some of these channels have been invaded by a few, frankly obnoxious players. Many of the people who were there to help new players have either placed these players on ignore, or have completely left the channel. I see this as a major problem, new players are encouraged to seek help in these locations, and when they go there they are greeted instead by the rude, greedy babble of these few players instead.

    Second, to the issue of equipment for new players. My “assistant� Treythor spends a few hours each week stocking the NT connie with bronze weapons, and there are a few other players that do the same, to those players, awsome, keep up the good work. To the rest of you, is it too much to take a few moments twice a month to throw some potions, or a few suits of armor, and price them reasonably so as to not deprive aspiring crafters of clients? There are many days where the only items available are overpriced re-furbished equipment. When I started playing several months ago I remember the frustration of not being able to buy good equipment, and unlike some, I am not one to beg for handouts. I feel that handing out free gear is a big part of what keeps a real economy developing, it’s even more critical when it is such a small group of players.

    A note to developers, increasing the time frame, and/or the quantity of non stackable items that can be placed on connies would make it easier for the player base to keep them stocked. *nudge* *nudge*

    We have a two week free trial, and many players are very quickly making decisions as to if they wish to stay or not, and this is how we are letting them be greeted?

    - Vasdenjas -

  11. #31


    Something not being considered seems to be a mature game as well.

    Broken or not, once a game reaches maturity there is always a disparity as there are a lot of new players, a lot of elders and the middle is rather thin.

    It's this middle that often gets left behind and forgotten because new players are excited about crafting their own but by the time they reach t2-3 they want "in the action" and the elder players are simply beyond the stage where they want to spend their time endlessly helping.

    There are many dynamics at play here.

  12. #32


    I see the veteran stand point as far as not needing money. I don't have much and simple put I don't bother trying to get much because there just isnt much out there to spend money on.

    I know when I was a low level I did not craft. Heck I didnt craft till I was a year in game. At that point I hunted for all my comps and had things made. As a low level it was frustrating to need armor or weapons and not find them or have the money to buy them.

    I was lucky when I looted a DGWC and put it in MP. Geez I think I got 400s for it and I thought I was rich! Then I was able to invest what i had for better items. To this day I have friends that craft things for free, although I always pay unless they are adamant on me not paying. And many times we just trade off work for comps or whatever.

    Hummmm, maybe I can craft a weapon for each person whom asks and there payment is to go to the arena and I knight them with it. BAM, like Emeril! Of course we will be on opposite teams and they will get a DP. That can be the poor low level's payment JK

    Last edited by Jayne; May 25th, 2006 at 06:27 PM.

  13. #33
    Member Vlisson's Avatar
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    Germany / Bavaria


    some items should have a permanent time to be sold at a consigner, all items below some silver

    it would be a great help for all low players. I dont think that many people fill the consigner regularly to help newbies.

    how long is the consi time? increased to 2 weeks?

  14. #34


    14 days now, yes 2 weeks

  15. #35

    Default One of the reasons I don't stock connies

    is most of it ends up in my vault. Upping the amount on connies won't serve any useful purpose, especially since , so many different needs out there and stocking connies isn't always going to fill particular needs per school.

  16. #36


    I may have a solution to this issue.

    Let me try it first, then I'll post the details.

  17. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Tantalyr
    Frequently in some public channel (such as Market, New Player or Dragon) I'll see a player ask a question about either the location of something, or wanting to purchase some player-made item. Oftentimes the question goes unanswered simply because no one then in the channel knows the answer, or no one has the crafting skill necessary to make the item. Occasionally, the lack of a prompt answer will spark some heated remark from the original questioner (e.g. "HELLO! ANYONE OUT THERE???").

    So my query is this: Is it incumbent upon the other players in the channel to pipe up promptly with something like "Sorry, I don't know" or "Sorry, I can't make that," or should the original questioner understand that silence means that no one has the information sought, or can make the item requested?
    Occassionally I respond with a sorry don't know but never feel obliged.

    For a start people have multiple tabs open, you could be in combat or engrossed in some guild or other group chat.

    People that instnatly complain with CAPS ON do not help their cause. I think generally people are more likely to help if there is additional information e.g. consider these two hypothetical requests for a steel mining pick....

    1. WTB steel minig pick

    2. Hi everyone I've just searched for some blacksmiths to make me a steel mining pick and they are all busy right now. If anyone has some time I'd like a steel mining pick with two sockets I have the steel bars but not the resources for the sockets and I can afford to pay 2s for it. thanks for any help.

    I would hazard a guess that the second request although it takes a minute or two of your time will generate a far better response. Simply repeat every 2-3 hours and magic will happen.

    Direct contact with a crafter using /who and searching then sending a private tell is also a great way to organise your item(s) in the next day or two.

    As always I assume people are smart enough to plan ahead and not left stuck capped with an iron pick when a steel one is required. Planning ahead also affords you the ability not to be desperate on the various chat channels.
    Fleshrend - Chaos Server
    94 Cleric 12 Warrior 10 monk 8 mage
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  18. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Ophelea
    Something not being considered seems to be a mature game as well.

    Broken or not, once a game reaches maturity there is always a disparity as there are a lot of new players, a lot of elders and the middle is rather thin.

    It's this middle that often gets left behind and forgotten because new players are excited about crafting their own but by the time they reach t2-3 they want "in the action" and the elder players are simply beyond the stage where they want to spend their time endlessly helping.

    There are many dynamics at play here.
    I agree 100%

    I find many people will bend over backwards to help out. Just don't expect it to happen this instant. Which is why I always advocate planning ahead and private messages to organise both contracting parties time.
    Fleshrend - Chaos Server
    94 Cleric 12 Warrior 10 monk 8 mage
    100 Blacksmith 100 Mason 91 tinkerer 100 Carpenter 100 Fitter 80 Scholar 73 spellcrafter 41 gatherer 49 Miner

  19. #39


    Its not so much that high end players have so much money, its the fact that I haven't needed to spend money on anything at all in a year except luxury comps for obscenely teched items I'm too lazy for, even at moderate money gains, or low money gains I'm still way way ahead finanically. I have no reason to get a sale because I have nothing to spend it on, not because I have too much money.

    I think most people will help, but lets be real and think about economics.. if you are hunting you can surely make 10x more cash instead of recalling and running back out just from comps/trophies/coin drops/hoard, etc then what any player is willing to buy crafted items for. If you are a crafter and with the adjusted exp you can easily make more money by just taking your next load to a pawnbroker instead of using it for exp. We all have way too much money, yet nobody will spend 10s for a formula...

    Things are not just that simple.

  20. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by AA0
    Its not so much that high end players have so much money, its the fact that I haven't needed to spend money on anything at all in a year except luxury comps for obscenely teched items I'm too lazy for, even at moderate money gains, or low money gains I'm still way way ahead finanically. I have no reason to get a sale because I have nothing to spend it on, not because I have too much money.

    I think most people will help, but lets be real and think about economics.. if you are hunting you can surely make 10x more cash instead of recalling and running back out just from comps/trophies/coin drops/hoard, etc then what any player is willing to buy crafted items for. If you are a crafter and with the adjusted exp you can easily make more money by just taking your next load to a pawnbroker instead of using it for exp. We all have way too much money, yet nobody will spend 10s for a formula...

    Things are not just that simple.
    Well thats somewhat of a paradox isn't it.

    If you have so much money and nothing to spend it on. Why would you rather engage in hunting to get 10x more cash instead of recalling and running back to make a sale on a form or comp?
    Fleshrend - Chaos Server
    94 Cleric 12 Warrior 10 monk 8 mage
    100 Blacksmith 100 Mason 91 tinkerer 100 Carpenter 100 Fitter 80 Scholar 73 spellcrafter 41 gatherer 49 Miner

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