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Thread: Horizons Lotto

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Horizons Lotto

    I had what I thought was a great idea for Horizons last night. I have only played for a little over a year and have no clue if this idea has been submitted in the past. We could hold a Horizons Lotto. Everyone buys tickets for the price of, say, 1s. We could buy as few or as many as we like. Then a drawing is held and the winning ticket wins 1 mithril. If that is too much, then lower the winning amount, but in real life most lottos are worth $1m as the base. Then it grows depending on how many weeks go by without a winner. Part of the proceeds could go to paying characters to help build things that need finishing around Istaria or some such thing. It may be a way to help the economy. The winner would remain annonymous due to players trying to borrow from them but we would be informed that there was a winner and the base amount would be reset to 1m. The drawing would be held once a week and we could either pick our numbers or get quick picks. I realize that first EI needs the time to figure out the current coding and get things moving for updates to resume and events to start happening again.

    I come from an I.T. background and have been through many company takeovers and mergers so it doesn't happen overnight or even in a couple of months. This is just an idea for a future event once EI figures out what they are doing. In the meantime I will continue to hunt forms and craft and get get my character levels up. There are many schools I want to explore so I will be busy for quite a while without any updates happening.

    Anyone like or oppose this idea? If I am totally off base as to the idea of helping the economy, please be constructive in letting me know why. I am still fairly new to this game compared to a lot of long time players and this is my first online game.

  2. #2


    Horizons Mithril Giveaway

    My question is: Does anyone know who won any of these prizes?

  3. #3


    There was one festival event when the tickets that were sold by a festival vendor could be used in a lottery. It must have been a winter festival for I distinctly remember winning snowball after snowball, but also some respectable dragon hoard and some tech formula.

    There is also the structure 'gambling den' that can be built on biped plots. There you can win money.
    snickel wigglsniff (retired) Twilight Crusaders on Unity
    poggle wigglsniff (gnomish crafter and mage) semi-retired on Order
    A gnomish house should not just sit there, it should definitely DO something!

  4. #4


    A lottery system is interesting, but from a technical standpoint such a system does not fit into the scope of what is easily accomplished with the Horizons simulation.

    Firstly, if you want to create random "tickets" you would be talking about adding new code to the simulation layer. The sim is probably the last thing EI will understand as it is written in its own heavily customized language and is not necessarily critical to do easier things like add new npcs, quests, story-based events, etc. The two people who actually knew the language are long gone at this point.

    Secondly, it's debatable whether coin has any real value in Istaria. With most equipment player-made and the numerous amount of cheap plot space available on islands like Genevia, a cash prize wont mean much.

    A major principle in having at least some small sense of an economy is to not devalue the currency. A good design should have about as much coin leaving the system as it does coming into players' hands. Coin rewards of such a magnitude of 1 mithril or anything reaching into the gold range will further throw the economy into unbalance.

    If EI can come up with a good reward for players, a lottery system might not be a bad idea.
    "We live only ONE REAL DAY, during which we recall false memories of living many more."
    Is it today?

  5. #5


    Money doesn't mean much in Istaria. Most things don't sell. Few worth buying. Not many care to work on plots for cash.

    Want to make it interesting? the winner gets:

    To trade his/her racial ability for another racial ability. Or

    A full suit of Admantium fully teched, or

    A fullsuit of special cargo gear 3x capacity of T6 cargo gear or

    A cargo disk that holds 300/200k or

    A 200x200 plot by the ocean or

    A weapon that does 100-160dmg/30 delay with 3 sockets or

    A special Boar Mask with a 10 minute timer/20 minute reset or

    A hatchling size shoulder buddy


  6. #6

    Default we already have

    a gambling den.

    Just gamble your cash away? heh

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