Quote Originally Posted by LaughingOtter
Not even close, mate.

Getting kicked out of groups crossing chunk lines - HZ actually IS a seamless world. Sigil still hasn't managed to do that right.
HZ just uses smaller chunks and calls them sectors, the HZ system only "works" when you dont crank up view distance.
If you do crank up the viewdistance you can see HZ loading it's sectors.
Having to load some sectors causes a 1-3 second hitch in HZ just like chunking in vanguard causes a 1-3 second hitch.
Saying VG is less seamless then HZ because of this is nitpicking and actively looking for something to fault the game.

On top of that, nobody wants to buy crafted gear because it's too expensive to make and, even now, is being nerfed to be worse than looted gear that costs 1/10 as much on the broker.
No, it is not being nerfed. Crafted gear still is better then looted gear.
The only thing changing is that the max item level will now be level 53 and the item will be bind on equip.
A lvl 53 crafted A-quality item is still better then a a lvl 53 dropped piece.

Quests: All VG offers is simple Kill X of Y/FedEx quests. HZ has far too many of those, true, but at least the HZ quest system has the capability of providing complex multistep quests that can have branching paths and multiple endings. The VG quest system is not capable - at all - of providing those. The best it can do is to offer players a choice of what quest to do, which is not even close to being the same.
The VG system is - totally - capable of this.
Diplomacy has several such quests (with choices and varying endings), unfortunatly so far this is the only sphere where I found such quests.
Multistep quests exist in all spheres. For example the unicorn/hellhound quest.

Tails: Animal races in HZ have tails. They don't, won't, and pretty much can't have them in VG.
Yeah, totally stupid to see them without tails -.-
To top it off, in HZ the animal races have teh right sort of legs.
That they can't have tails at all is a rumour started by someone who has zero knowledge about how graphics work.
They can, in fact, be added. It requires the adding of tail geometry and textures, a new bone must be attached to the animation skeleton, all teh animations must be redone and after that the whole lot must be re-exported and re-imported into VanguardED.
It is fecking time consuming but it can be done.
(btw, I am not guessing at this, this is what is actually required for this change in an unreal 2.x engine based game)

What is true is that it is not possible to give the animal races correct legs without completely redoing the character system from the ground up.

In other areas, VG falls well short of HZ.
Agreed, HZ's "potential" is greater then that of VG.
Also, no playable dragons, big negative that :P

The current rumor is that SOE is going to buy VG from Sigil. If true, who knows what the future holds. Personally, I think that would render most of these comparisons moot.
Oh come one, we ALL knew this would happen as soon as it was announced that Sigil left MS and joined forces with SOE :P