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Thread: One Year Ago

  1. #1

    Default One Year Ago

    Blight was a thriving world
    we may have been few in number but we WERE a lively bunch
    then the EI/PME/NGW or whatever its called now lowered the boom
    the lie about picking up the tulga staff
    the lie about future dev work
    and finally the LIE about copies of toons after the blight world closure

    and bugger all if anything ...oh hang on ... a forum update ....ohhhh and the over/unrefunded billing .... 2 server closures .. has happened
    is this a whinge ?
    you got it
    take a look at me avatar lads and lasses thats the new thero

    why ?
    cause a year ago we saw our god and friend Illyist/Aru log in for the last time
    and thank the gods i retained screeners of thero and kirs with the gathered bunch at brist to wave farewell
    finally 8 months ago we lost blight
    been a sad 12 months for us blighters
    really sad

  2. #2
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: One Year Ago

    yeah i get ya, ther....
    been missing blight something terrible lately - think it is because 'eureka' is back on and i am remembering that at this time last year i was taking and giving commentary on the total fineness of carter's.....ummm.....nether regions!! 14 year olds were scolding me........but it was awesome to be chugging away at fighting my way to 20-30 warrior, or hanging out at the leech motel while others did it for me.

    thinking about how totally awesomely uber i would be right now.......
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  3. #3

    Default Re: One Year Ago

    Yeppers I miss Blight also BIG TIME, as some of you guys know Ive been back on Chaos as Elek Blight and Ruuff Diamond, Im sure not gonna restart from scratch Ill quit the game b4 I do that, but I did want to play some.
    Also to those that know the status of Dan he is out of cross bar hotel and will be on work release for thenext 6 months, but atleast he is out of prison and back in Toledo.!
    ok Im back to paper work and stuff good to see some activity on here for a change.
    OK the old sig was too long , this one is better.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Blight.. where else?

    Default Re: One Year Ago

    I hear you Theros, whats more is the whole "Blight will be used to give the European players a server." They pull the plug on one server with paying customers, yank the plug on the Euro server, what's next? Which one has the lowest player count? Better watch out, or your server might be going down for "Upgrades" *wink wink*. Heh, I wish I didn't take a short break from Horizons when I did. I miss Blight a ton lately, I keep getting that "Ugh, I wish I could log in to Blight and play right now." Every other day when I get home from work. Well, roughly four more months before the true anniversary, maybe we'll get a present? (Yeah, I know, unlikely.. But some hope is better then none.) I'm getting frustrated trying to find a new game, I'll probably give Vanguard a go again, once the servers are merged, and there are actually people to group with.
    Andy! I'm glad to hear about Dan, I hope he flys right from now on after getting a taste of that hell pit. Velveeta, Andy, Theros, everyone, we need to get in contact a bit more, expect a private message from me.
    Playing since release.
    4th to complete RoP.
    Purely Lunus.
    Dragor Firestrike - (Nobody to play with.)

  5. #5

    Default Re: One Year Ago

    Hi guys and gals

    Yeh I miss Blight too and all my friends there, life could have been so different if they'd done the copies and got the billing/overbilling sorted instead of antagonising so many folk the way they did . I still visit these forums way too often for it to be healthy!

    Gorek and I have more or less given up with MMORPGs for now (still subscribed to LOTRO but not playing) and are investing our time in our new family member - a little blue roan English Cocker Spaniel, just over a year old and a rescue dog who's getting us trained up nicely to her ways

    So pleased to see that your boy is home again Andy, must be a relief for you both.

    All the best for now

    Poppi and Gorek

  6. #6

    Default Re: One Year Ago

    Hey guys nice to see you
    glad to hear the good news about dan ruffy
    as i have said in another thread flssssh,siluket,mighty and wingsofwar have joined zsar sargoth ,ryath ,tiggles and Iver along with meself on WoW
    everyone seems to be having fun ... it aint blight but it IS anderproof
    I got a dicky email from new game world about immortals and what a bloody joke that is
    anyhoo wont rave on here it aint worth it

    cheers bigears

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