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Thread: So who is still hanging in

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    In front of the computer, where else would I be?

    Smile Re: So who is still hanging in

    I am still here, may not rember me, least till i sit on you agian!
    Tamaracaran Thothalomadais: Dragon, As old as the world, Twice.
    Jamana Ternfaust: Gnome of 31 flavors!
    Erzat Ember: Dryad Battlemage, Construction Bug.
    Halfust Thothalomadais: Human somthing or other.

  2. #22

    Default Re: So who is still hanging in

    I may not play anymore ( have a vista PC) but I keep in touch with a few people in game. Playing WOW atm ( I can play it in vista).
    GhostRdr - Formerly GM of the guild previously known as The Dark Council

    Adv. - 100 Reaver, Healer, Shaman, Conjurer, Spiritist, Guardian, Sorcerer, Wizard, Mage

    Craft - 100 Blacksmith, Mason, Weaponsmith, Fitter, Spellcrafter

    Moved on from the realm of Istaria since August 2006

  3. #23

    Default Re: So who is still hanging in

    vista is a pain in the as$and is a pop shot at best it may work it may work some times it may not work at all

    Try it
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  4. #24

    Default Re: So who is still hanging in

    I'm still about too, waiting to see what'll happen, piddling along slowly so I don't get too bored.

    Not as many names in GL chat as once was, hoping that will surge again with time.
    Foxfire Godspell, Ice Queen of Istaria, Dark Defenders
    Manta Guild Community @ Collinswood
    Knoc/Conj, Mastercraftswoman -and-
    Ravagice, Horde Fueled WunderWyrm

  5. #25
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: So who is still hanging in

    ghost, both me and my bro snake play on vista machines. snake apparently does not turn off his puter, but i do occasionally.
    so, for the millionth time, i recommend - if you really want to play, no matter the hassle - that you follow ALL the instructions at the 'consistantly working under vista' thread ( ). once you have the game installed and the proper config on your settings, you will prolly need to reboot several times before getting in.
    its been getting better - i had to reboot sunday morning and was able to get back in in 30 minutes and about 6 or 8 reboots. mostly its been about 10 15 minutes and 4 or 5 reboots before i can get in, but i have had an hour or more. once i was unable to get in at all, even after countless reboots and several hours of trying. but that was the very rare exception - a little patience and i have been able to play as much as i want.

    if you want to wait for a perm fix, that is fine and i don't blame you. i look forward to the day when i can just log in and play. but if you really really REALLY love this game as much as me, you can get in now, if you want to....
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  6. #26

    Default Re: So who is still hanging in

    Hi Vand, I am of course still here.

    Ghost where r u, we keeping things warm for you.

  7. #27

    Default Re: So who is still hanging in

    I have been here from the beginning and will probably be here when Istaria falls into a black hole and is shredded into small pebbles.

    Most of our guild is still intact after 4 years, a few losses but a majority of them still play and populate our guild chat.
    Justa Mirage: Ranger 100 / Healer 92 / Carpentry 100 / Confectioner 100 / Fletching 92 / Weaver 62 / Gatherer 34
    Flatspin: Ancient Lunus Dragon 100 / Craft 100 / Lairshaping 100

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    The Fortress of Solitude

    Default Re: So who is still hanging in

    I'm not going anywhere till they shut the gate, lock it, and have me carted away.

    That being said, I do occasionally need breaks for a lil less than a month, so I dont get burnt out

  9. #29

    Default Re: So who is still hanging in

    I watch the forums every now and then, the love is still there but I can't play on Vista and the other computer blew up.
    I had a hell of a time trying to get my account recognized, and I missed all the payment options and whatnot (I couldn't log on to do anything about it), so I ended up letting the subs lapse.
    I guess for now that means no more Screech and my lair is propably either stagnant or reclaimed or whatever. Makes me sad. I wanted to finish that, and I was working hard on the lair and the plot.
    And there is no way to pass it on, either, since I can't justify paying $30 a month to keep them live (and not playing due to operating system) and no way to pass them on any other way.
    I'd much rather have a choice who gets my lair and help someone who is going to continue it if I can't, but I guess it'll be a bitter end for Screechy.
    Of course, that also means that the urge to return would be null and void, because... well.. it's a memories thing.
    *wave Grmbl, Mordig, TelShyia*
    Hows it going, boys! Glad to see you're still around.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mia's Edge - Chaos

    Default Re: So who is still hanging in

    Well I am back, and loving HZ again. I just wish I still had my lair and 2 50x50 plots in Scorp Claw. Really miss working on my lair. *Crosses his talons and hopes reclaim comes soon so once again I can have a lair once again*
    Segorian_Bounty - Elder Adult Dragon - Chaos
    Mearis - Saris - All around biped crafter - Chaos
    ....Toooo many alts to list them all

  11. #31

    Default Re: So who is still hanging in

    still around

  12. #32

    Default Re: So who is still hanging in

    Greetings from a Green Dragon

    I am still around, with an active account and no plans to go any where.

    Still have allot of lair to finish too.

    -Zarkela Firedance 100/100/58
    Zarkela - Green Dragoness - Helian

  13. #33

    Default Re: So who is still hanging in

    Quote Originally Posted by Zarkela View Post
    Greetings from a Green Dragon

    I am still around, with an active account and no plans to go any where.

    Still have allot of lair to finish too.

    -Zarkela Firedance 100/100/58
    Imposter! I'm the green dragon! hehe Though I'm trapped inside the Unity database atm trying to claw my way out! I'm so tempted to just start a new dragon on Chaos after hearing the Vista Sp1 RC seems to fix the issues people have been having.

    Also to Spirit. Are you the same Spirit from Unity that was in Council of Wyrms?

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Most likely in a crafting field somewhere

    Default Re: So who is still hanging in

    Thinking of coming back to see how things are going, its been a long time.

    Proud and loyal members of Battalion
    Xarii Ani - Dryad - Chaos shard
    Quazi Ani - Dragon - Chaos shard

  15. #35

    Default Re: So who is still hanging in

    I occasionally take time off. But I keep my sub up so I can randomly pop in and see whats up. Been working on my plot in Elmnic this last week.
    Chaos Kryu-Saris
    33 Druid,40 Cleric,17 Warrior,8 Mage,64 Carpenter, 54 Mason, 54 Enchanter, 43 Fitter, 31 Weaver
    Moragon-Dragon : 63 Adv, 47 DRCA, 13 LS

  16. #36

    Default Re: So who is still hanging in

    i think that anyone that left should come back, cause the original people have the game now and if you all come back that will make them happy and they might give us new content and make more cool stuff. so we can build and kill, By the way i just came back after like 4 yrs and i been noticiing a lot of others who are new or freshly back so i think the community is maybe getting a lil bigger.

  17. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    West Virginia, USA

    Default Re: So who is still hanging in

    Technically I am here (though due to computer issues... it being broken...) I cannot log in. Waiting patiently until the 12th of Feb when my new component arrive.

  18. #38

    Default Re: So who is still hanging in

    Just thinking whether or not I should roll a toon on Chaos just to see who's in and who's not before I make a final decision of which shard to move to once the fully functional transfer process commences.

    Anyone care to give a heads up of whether Eisdrache, Airmal, Deathfang or Racazur still play or rather... have made it onto this shard under another alias?

    Anyway, asides from that... I've been mostly skulking under the guise of a Sslik going by the name of Basso.

    Enigmatic Draconic Spellweaver of Unity, Forseer of the End
    a.k.a The Twilight Dragon, Atolmyth

  19. #39

    Default Re: So who is still hanging in

    You are cordially invited to come and visit us on Chaos. There are many Unity players here now but I have no idea what their names were before. I'm sure if you check on Market from time to time some will respond and allert you to others who have found a new home.

  20. #40

    Default Re: So who is still hanging in

    YA YA matey... i would love to see you come play with us on chaos we have lots of fun and like more people,

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