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Thread: Confectioner Revamp: Cat’s Thoughts

  1. #1

    Default Confectioner Revamp: Cat’s Thoughts

    Disclaimer: I haven’t made 6 of the expert foods and probably around 10 or 12 of the master foods. I have not hunted down all the garnishes, nor have I completed their quests or made the food from said quests. I also haven’t eaten the foods on a character lower than T6.

    Before I go into a list of things I have issues with, I want to mention what I like about this. It isn’t all bad. After that, I’ll list some details about the foods, like timers and whatnot, so other people know what I’m talking about before I start complaining. Then I’ll complain some, then I’ll add my thoughts for the pony list, then I’ll wrap if you don’t feel like reading the nitty-gritty details, scroll to the bottom. (Adventurers, I suggest you read the section titled “The Facts�)

    Summary: My first thought, upon seeing all the new resources was “Wow! Look at all the food! � After spending some time working on confectioner on Blight, my thoughts are now “Oh my god...look at all the food. �

    The Good Stuff (or What I Liked on Blight)

    I like that there’s some variety. There’s so much new stuff and it isn’t just piles of the same old boring food we’ve been eating for years. I can even make cookies with honest-to-god chocolate and all sorts of things with strawberries! *drools*

    I like that higher tier foods are more effective at getting rid of death points than the old foods. With the way the system is currently (before revamp), a T1 person can eat all foods in all tiers of food full reduction of DPs. Of course, that also comes out to over 150 foods, but still… Meanwhile, a T4 or higher person is pretty much stuck with the available T4 foods for full effectiveness and T4 never had a full range of recipes.

    I like that the DP reduction the foods provide has been significantly raised. No more 3 minutes here and 4 minutes there. Yes, the lower tiered foods still aren’t a lot of reduction, but the length the DP lasts isn’t that bad, either.

    I like that it takes SO much less food to get rid of a DP than it did before. It’s not as fast as Amb 7, but it’s still easier to acquire.

    The Facts

    Dishes refer to each food.

    Type refers to the categories of dishes: appetizers, desserts, sides, and main dishes.

    Meals refer to the combination of all 4 types of dishes.

    For those who don’t know the details, all the revamp foods have a 200 casting delay. All foods also have a regular delay that varies with food type. Appetizers - 200, Desserts - 300, Sides - 500, Main Dishes - 800. Casting delay is how long it takes you to do something, while delay is how long you have to wait afterwards before doing something else. 10 delay equals 1 second. This means you’ll spend about 4.5 minutes, including all delays, to eat a full meal. (20 seconds eating each dish, for a total of 80 seconds eating one meal, and you’ll spend varying amounts of time waiting after each dish [20s, 30s, 50s, 80s], for a total of 3 minutes of waiting time, while you eat the meal).

    All the revamp foods have a 20 minute cooldown. (Ex.: Eat a chocolate chip cookie, then wait 20 minutes before you can eat another one.)

    The revamp foods now have linked timers for the same type of dish. This means when you eat an appetizer, you have to wait 5 minutes before you can eat another appetizer. The linked timers did not affect the one rare/quested food I tried.

    In comparison, the “old� foods have 40 delay, a 10 minute cooldown, no linked timers, and no casting delay.

    The Not So Good Stuff

    1. Confectioner skills per level. Please consider making confectioner like the other craft classes and allowing them to have 8/level gathering skills (fishing and foraging), 9/level processing skills (preparing), and 10/level finishing skills (cooking/brewing). Most of the other craft schools I looked at (with the exception of dragon crafter) are set up this way. This would lower fishing and foraging from 9 down to 8, and raise the proposed gain of preparing from 8 to 9.

    2. Delay and casting delay. Wow. Four minutes and 20 seconds is a lot of time eating one meal or waiting to eat or do something else.

    2a. Remove/reduce delay and increase casting delay. Personally, I think the times should be decreased all around, but I’ll get into that later. Currently, there is no way to tell when your delay timer is going down. That makes it very frustrating when eating things with high delay timers like the main dishes. With the main dishes, you have to sit and wait for well over a minute after consumption with NO indication of when you can do another action. While I was testing this on Blight, I kept thinking I’d gotten disconnected while waiting for the next food to cycle.

    I would suggest making the delay significantly shorter (100 all around?), if not removing it altogether. If it’s deemed necessary to keep food at the current overall delay, then I’d also suggest increasing the casting delay to approach the current delay. In other words, basically switch delay with casting delay, plus a few tweaks.

    2b. Reduce overall delay. I understand that asking people to sit down and enjoy a meal together is a good thing. Forcing them to sit down and enjoy that meal is not. Additionally, what’s the point of having a virtual cornucopia of meals if you only really need 4 meals per tier?

    3. Linked timers. Ouch. In addition to huge delays, you have to wait 5 minutes between the same type of dish. I realize this is probably to encourage people to eat a whole meal, instead of just side dishes, but I think this wait is a little long. Please keep in mind that this is coming from someone who typically doesn’t mind waiting and/or crafting DPs off (I’m a crafter, not a hunter, Jim!).

    4. Foods with rares need to remove more time. In some cases, foods that require bonus items (seafood, chili peppers, and squirrel) remove more time than regular food. This isn’t always the case. Baked Squirrel Pie, a T4 advanced main dish only removes 90 minutes, while the other two T4 advanced main dishes remove 95 points. Unless someone is dying for squirrel, they probably aren’t going to ask for it. Additionally, Seafood Salad, a T5 advanced side, requires THREE bonus resources to make, yet only reduces DP by an extra 10 minutes compared to the other T5 advanced side (90 vs 80). Please consider raising the time reduced by however many minutes (5-15?) per bonus resource needed, especially for those resources where you only get one or two per bonus, like squirrels and squid.

    5. Resource quantity and bulk. To me, the revamped confectioner is like lairshaping on steroids. It requires more resources and more combinations of resources, not to mention more combines (in some cases) in order to make the final product. Lairshaping requires 4 combines at most before applying to a lair, while confectioner can go up to at least 15 combines/processings for the more complicated dishes (I used Gnomish Pot Pie for this example).

    5a. Fish, seafood, and ‘shrooms. Please reduce the bulk on these from 10 down to something more in line with the rest of the confectioner resources.

    5b. Reduce quantities of resources needed. There were many dishes where I needed 10 fish or 10 raw meat in order to make one dish at optimal. (If I’m remembering correctly, I needed 20 raw chicken for one dish at some point.) I tried very hard to suspend my disbelief with this, but I just couldn’t. That’s a lot of fish for one bowl of soup, especially considering what goes in to making most permanent items (tools and armor) as opposed to consumables. :/

    5c. Increase finished quantities to two. I’m suggesting this in addition to 5b, though it could be taken as an either/or thing. Please let us create two dishes at one time. It will cut down on a lot of the frustration of needing to have crazy amounts of resources. If 5b and 5c won’t be considered together, please increase quantities to 4 or 5.

    6. Pawnbrokers. Currently, it appears that imperial pawnbrokers aren’t all that interested in food. They were offering 2c for 5 T4 meals. Please increase that.

    7. Cogs and Techniques. Please consider adding preparing techniques and putting preparing on cogs. (Also, it would be nice to keep brewing useful, but I don’t recall seeing it on the new forms.)

    8. Raw meat and storehouses. Please make sure to allow raw meat to be stored in storehouses. This wasn’t something I could check on Blight, but it still doesn’t work on live.

    9. Eating animation? It looks kinda silly to sit down, stand up and punch the air, then sit back down again. If this is fixable, great. If not, put it on the pony list, please.

    Things for the Pony List (or, Things I’d Like to See Changed, But Probably Won’t Be)

    1. Reduce delays for lower tier foods. Most newbies I’ve met are not going to want to spend the time sitting and waiting to eat food.

    2. Make stoneroot ice cream T5 or T6, not T2.

    3. Please put a cauldron in the confectioner shop. Confectioners use it as a finishing machine, so it should be in the shop.

    3a. Move the distillery to the alchemy shop and let them make potions with that, as opposed to the cauldron. This would keep the machines to three shops, while letting the finishing machines stay in one shop.

    4. Change gravies, doughs, sauces, and marinades to cooking. Anyone with a knife can chop a carrot. Good sauces take skill to make!

    5. Break away from the 2:1 processing ratio. It’s very irritating. (Two fish yield one fish fillet seems like a horrible waste of fish.)

    6. Increase stacks in storehouses. With 118 different resources needed to make the final product, having even one more stack in a storehouse would be nice.

    7. Make the wines, water, and milk drinkable. It would be fun.

    7a. Do not make them required to aid the DP reduction of foods. It would not be fun.

    To Wrap Up

    I dumped out my vault on Blight, did the vault upgrades, and stuffed that sucker full of food. I only made three of each of most of the foods, but I spent a LOT of time collecting the food and running back and forth between my vault and the Feladan kitchen. I didn’t bother making a lot of the high end foods, nor did I go hunting for garnishes because, frankly, I hit a severe case of burnout. It was bad enough that I didn’t want to do anything Horizons related for a couple of weeks.

    I love lairshaping. I like complex things. This is... well. I didn’t really have a lot of fun working on this. I’m hoping it was due to a lack of stocked silos, combined with the unfamiliarity of a new system, but I really do think there needs to be some tweaking done before this goes live.

    Thank you to tramsan and Creme for reading this over and making suggestions as needed.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Confectioner Revamp: Cat’s Thoughts

    A TON of work went into this post. I'd like to point that out first and foremost.

    I would like to think that it would be read very carefully and evaluated because the requirements on a consumable item bode very poorly for other craft schools, should they follow similar resource requirements.

    This doesn't hurt established players, rather it hurts new players.

    I'd also like to point out that this is coming from a player that loves the game, loves crafting, put in all T6 shops in her lair, PRIOR to the reduction of resources and was enough to drive her into Vanguard for R&R.

    Anyway, thanks to the Kitty for all the work she put into this.

    Hopefully some good comes of it.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Confectioner Revamp: Cat’s Thoughts

    I agree GREAT post by Kala,
    the only thing I'd like to add is put ambrosia, and ambrosia vendors back in game.
    OK the old sig was too long , this one is better.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Confectioner Revamp: Cat’s Thoughts

    I'd like to add My thanks to Kala for all her hard and time consuming work.

  5. #5
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Confectioner Revamp: Cat’s Thoughts

    great job kala!! and i still remember that yummy strawberry crepe!
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  6. #6
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Confectioner Revamp: Cat’s Thoughts

    Very good post! Shows you don't mind putting time and effort in something
    Last edited by Sigi; March 25th, 2008 at 09:30 PM.

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Confectioner Revamp: Cat’s Thoughts

    Just reading that gives me a future headache, well written and a warning that my plot is inadequate for storing food at this moment.
    Justa Mirage: Ranger 100 / Healer 92 / Carpentry 100 / Confectioner 100 / Fletching 92 / Weaver 62 / Gatherer 34
    Flatspin: Ancient Lunus Dragon 100 / Craft 100 / Lairshaping 100

  8. #8

    Default Re: Confectioner Revamp: Cat’s Thoughts

    Quote Originally Posted by Justa Mirage View Post
    Just reading that gives me a future headache, well written and a warning that my plot is inadequate for storing food at this moment.
    Writing it gave me a headache. :/ (Though that may just have been my sinuses acting up again.) And I'm not going to enjoy storing resources on my plot either, though I have adequate silo space for storing everything unprocessed.

    Thank you all for the positive comments. As much as they're ego-boosting though, I'd like to hear what other people think of the changes, whether or not they disagree with me.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Confectioner Revamp: Cat’s Thoughts

    Quote Originally Posted by Kala
    I like that there’s some variety. There’s so much new stuff and it isn’t just piles of the same old boring food we’ve been eating for years. I can even make cookies with honest-to-god chocolate and all sorts of things with strawberries! *drools*
    Disagree, sorry, I realize a TON of work went into all these creations, but honestly, it's too much variety and so many different foods to keep straight, and very difficult to keep straight and know what is useful for which tier. I would have far preferred that meals be packaged.

    This means you’ll spend about 4.5 minutes, including all delays, to eat a full meal.
    This sounds painful, extremely painful. I'd rather eat a single packaged meal, and then "snooze" for 5 minutes.

    1. Confectioner skills per level. Please consider making confectioner like the other craft classes and allowing them to have 8/level gathering skills (fishing and foraging), 9/level processing skills (preparing), and 10/level finishing skills (cooking/brewing). Most of the other craft schools I looked at (with the exception of dragon crafter) are set up this way. This would lower fishing and foraging from 9 down to 8, and raise the proposed gain of preparing from 8 to 9.
    Agree. Not asking for exp for processing necessarily, but the increased preparing skill would help confectioners be able to make their wares w/out needing a gatherer to back them up.

    Delay and casting delay.[/B] Wow. Four minutes and 20 seconds is a lot of time eating one meal or waiting to eat or do something else.

    2a. Remove/reduce delay and increase casting delay. Personally, I think the times should be decreased all around, but I’ll get into that later. Currently, there is no way to tell when your delay timer is going down. That makes it very frustrating when eating things with high delay timers like the main dishes. With the main dishes, you have to sit and wait for well over a minute after consumption with NO indication of when you can do another action. While I was testing this on Blight, I kept thinking I’d gotten disconnected while waiting for the next food to cycle.

    I would suggest making the delay significantly shorter (100 all around?), if not removing it altogether. If it’s deemed necessary to keep food at the current overall delay, then I’d also suggest increasing the casting delay to approach the current delay. In other words, basically switch delay with casting delay, plus a few tweaks.

    2b. Reduce overall delay. I understand that asking people to sit down and enjoy a meal together is a good thing. Forcing them to sit down and enjoy that meal is not. Additionally, what’s the point of having a virtual cornucopia of meals if you only really need 4 meals per tier?
    I agree with most, if not all of this; however if nothing is done at all to reduce the timers, I definitely feel that the delay should be stuck into casting, so you can tell when you're able to eat the next food, instead of trying to move every 20 seconds and finding you are not able to.

    [B]4. Foods with rares need to remove more time.

    Resource quantity and bulk. To me, the revamped confectioner is like lairshaping on steroids. It requires more resources and more combinations of resources, not to mention more combines (in some cases) in order to make the final product. Lairshaping requires 4 combines at most before applying to a lair, while confectioner can go up to at least 15 combines/processings for the more complicated dishes (I used Gnomish Pot Pie for this example).

    5a. Fish, seafood, and ‘shrooms. Please reduce the bulk on these from 10 down to something more in line with the rest of the confectioner resources.

    5b. Reduce quantities of resources needed. There were many dishes where I needed 10 fish or 10 raw meat in order to make one dish at optimal. (If I’m remembering correctly, I needed 20 raw chicken for one dish at some point.) I tried very hard to suspend my disbelief with this, but I just couldn’t. That’s a lot of fish for one bowl of soup, especially considering what goes in to making most permanent items (tools and armor) as opposed to consumables. :/

    5c. Increase finished quantities to two. I’m suggesting this in addition to 5b, though it could be taken as an either/or thing. Please let us create two dishes at one time. It will cut down on a lot of the frustration of needing to have crazy amounts of resources. If 5b and 5c won’t be considered together, please increase quantities to 4 or 5.

    6. Pawnbrokers. Currently, it appears that imperial pawnbrokers aren’t all that interested in food. They were offering 2c for 5 T4 meals. Please increase that.

    7. Cogs and Techniques. Please consider adding preparing techniques and putting preparing on cogs. (Also, it would be nice to keep brewing useful, but I don’t recall seeing it on the new forms.)

    8. Raw meat and storehouses. Please make sure to allow raw meat to be stored in storehouses. This wasn’t something I could check on Blight, but it still doesn’t work on live.

    9. Eating animation? It looks kinda silly to sit down, stand up and punch the air, then sit back down again. If this is fixable, great. If not, put it on the pony list, please.
    Agree with all of this.

    The resource requirements on a consumable are, IMO, a bit (make that "WAY") over the top.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Confectioner Revamp: Cat’s Thoughts

    One of my biggest issues (and I am sure you are far more knowledgeable in the specifics than I, Kala) is the listing of higher tier resources and even bonus resources in lower tier forms. Things like fennel in T2 dishes, etc.


  11. #11

    Default Re: Confectioner Revamp: Cat’s Thoughts

    Quote Originally Posted by Drevar View Post
    One of my biggest issues (and I am sure you are far more knowledgeable in the specifics than I, Kala) is the listing of higher tier resources and even bonus resources in lower tier forms. Things like fennel in T2 dishes, etc.

    Thinking of the logic behind doing this, I would surmise that since Gatherer is a separate school from Confectioner, and the preparing of such resources would therefore be a main skill of gatherer, that the prepared materials are tiered for the preparing skill of a gatherer and not a confectioner; as such, all the confectioner needs would be the "prepared resources" that a gatherer has processed, and not necessarily tied into the preparing skill of a confectioner.

    I would make a comparison to an alchemist, requiring certain suspensions. Offhand I can't remember which, but one of them takes purified orbs (of the appropriate tier). An alchemist can't purify orbs, but purchases already purified orbs (unless he is also a enchanter of the appropriate level).

    Now that I type this, I realize that the tier of the purified orbs matches the tier of the potion being produced, and the suspension of the same tier, so...nevermind.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Confectioner Revamp: Cat’s Thoughts

    The reason for this tier discrepancy can be found in LO's post here:

    From a game mechanics perspective, food needed to be tiered, like all crafted items. However, there's something not right with the idea of having to be (for example) level 50 before you get to cook with bacon. Even the most traditional French culinary school isn't that stuffy. In cooking, even a beginner can use the most exotic ingredients to make something simple - like putting truffle oil on a peanut butter sandwich. It's probably not very good, but you can do it. This is the root concept behind the way foods are tiered: a food's tier is determined by the number of ingredients in the recipe, not the tier of those ingredients.
    You're looking at now. Everything that happens now is happening now.

    Incessantly prodding Gezsera while getting rid of hibernation hangover.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Confectioner Revamp: Cat’s Thoughts

    Sorry to brush off an old and dusty thread, but I was wondering if there was going to be any official response to this?


  14. #14

    Default Re: Confectioner Revamp: Cat’s Thoughts

    5, 5a, 7 and 8 have been done

    1 I have no problem changing

    2b we've discussed moving it to the post-delay, no decision has been made yet

    3 this is by design

    6 this is as designed

    5b reducing the quantities would also mean reducing the XP gained. the quantities are currently in line with other crafting products

    5c see 5b

    4 some do, some may need to be tweaked. reporting the ones that feel low would be helpful

    2 and 2a... like 2b these are tricky and must all be done at once or not at all. it is being discussed.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  15. #15

    Default Re: Confectioner Revamp: Cat’s Thoughts

    Thank you for the response. Should I list the foods with bonus items that I think have too low a time here or should I file a ticket?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Confectioner Revamp: Cat’s Thoughts

    Ticket please
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  17. #17

    Default Re: Confectioner Revamp: Cat’s Thoughts

    Just a quick note (not sure if I did this right): When removing multiple DPs in a tavern all at once, you remove 1.55 hours/minute (at tier 6, in a tavern).

    When fighting solo I rare die, but in groups it is different. You can't control the actions of other people (and heal aggro sucks). Imagine that you are out in a group hunting, and that something bad happens several times (someone makes a mistake, or the game pops mobs in a really bad way, or heal aggro strikes). You're up to 4 DPs and your penalty is starting to get up there, so you all decide to head back to the tavern and eat off a few DPs. Cool! Neat idea, in a way. Except that you're all sitting in that tavern for the next hour and 12 minutes.

    Hunt over ---> Group disbanded ---> Available logged-in time exceeded ---> Fun diminished.

  18. #18
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Confectioner Revamp: Cat’s Thoughts

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post

    1 I have no problem changing
    That would be really great!

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post
    6 this is as designed
    Hmm, Don't like the design then

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Confectioner Revamp: Cat’s Thoughts

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post
    2b we've discussed moving it to the post-delay, no decision has been made yet
    I thought *reducing* the post-delay was being discussed, not increasing it!

    For clarification:

    pre-delay - The 'casting delay', causes the blue casting bar to pop up and count down. The pre-dealy can be aborted by using the 'stop action' button.

    post-delay - The 'cool down', inhibits all actions until expired. The post-delay can not be aborted.

    recycle - The amount of time before the food (or food class) is ready to be consumed again. This likewise can not be aborted, however, actions that aren't affected by the recycle timer can be performed (providing the post-delay timer expired).

    Suggestion: Move the vast bulk of the delay (pre-delay + post-delay) to the pre-delay. Shift enough over so that the post-delay doesn't exceed 5 seconds.

    Yes, that means the casting bar hangs around a lot longer. However, if the current behavior of not resetting the pre-delay upon moving is kept, that isn't a big deal at all. The player spends the same amount of time between foods. However, it has the benefit of allowing the player to abort the pre-delay and address an emergency. In other words, the food can be consumed in the field as well as in taverns without leaving the player or their group vulnerable to attack for minutes at a time.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Confectioner Revamp: Cat’s Thoughts

    Wee little mistake my post. That should have been 2.8DPhours/minuterealtime reduction if you are in a tavern. But the point of that post is still valid:P.

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