Lets see, things of value. I have to agree money is pointless in this Horizons, I say that every time, i've been offered plenty of times 10g for an item i have and i keep asking... Why in the world would i need 10g?

Personally I have to say these items are of value:
-Rancor/Zealot/Mace of Divine Intervention.
-Hoard Items, especially the Brasavarian items.
-Trophies and Resources, raw and refined.
-Components are big ones.
-Blighted Techs: Especiall scales for me.

As for items i have of value well... I've got a Misty Citrine, Opal and Topaz crystal: 8 ,10 , and 12 percent chance of etherial damage. Deamon weapons and the weapon/armor peices are good. As for other things, well just knick knacks.