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Thread: Get It Done - Git-er-done Meaning

  1. #21

    Default Re: Get It Done - Git-er-done Meaning

    I would like to add my vote to git-er-done as a better use of the slang, if that had been used I think it would have gave a better starting tone to the rest of the post. Git-er-done I know is slang and have heard it quite a bit, well related to the guy that started it, but no where else. To me get it done is not slang it is a demand at least when used the way you do it. Used the way you linked where it is used not so much with a job or something that needs to be done but related to an object or person it would have at least stopped me for a moment and made me think about it.

    "In game email Get it Done!" is totally diffrent from "That girl Get it Done!". The first is a demand to drop every thing else and just do it no matter the cost. The other is well I would have been scratching my head and doing as you said asking what you meant.

  2. #22

    Default Re: Get It Done - Git-er-done Meaning

    *sighs* And you still focus on a phrase and miss the main point of the conversation.

    There some students who refuse to be taught no matter what I do or how many times I make them show up for academic help. This appears to be a parallel situation.

    I'm going in game instead of spending more time with this.
    Exploring is a necessary skill, and its not like death is fatal. At least, not for the gifted.

  3. #23
    Member Zexoin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Get It Done - Git-er-done Meaning

    Quote Originally Posted by Seenu View Post
    Zexion - the very nature of text based communication doesnt allow for a real hope for judging tone with even a reasonable degree of accuracy (unless of course its filled with emoticons). It is always best just to take the words and ask for clarification.

    So this is why asking for clarification is so important before an emotional investment is made in being offended. Because once the choice is made to be offended - everything read or seen in the future by that person will be read with a filter in mind to find an excuse to justify being offended.
    Talk about misquoting.
    I see you just quoting Oaklief and Deth's and ignoring their most important points. Silence speaks loud.

  4. #24

    Default Re: Get It Done - Git-er-done Meaning

    I've heard that phrase before, though it was in a more vulgar context, which led me to wonder just what was going on. It doesn't seem like a big deal to me now that I know the meaning of the phrase -- not that it was one to begin with.

    Anyway, I suggest reading the following quote and contemplating its purpose (especially the second item):

    1) Thou shalt not excessively annoy others.
    2) Thou shalt not be too easily annoyed.
    This is part of the guidelines (we call them "Rules of Conduct" these days) for participating in FidoNet -- a global network of tens of thousands of dial-up BBSes that predates commercial internet.

  5. #25

    Default Re: Get It Done - Git-er-done Meaning

    Quote Originally Posted by Deth View Post
    "In game email Get it Done!" is totally diffrent from "That girl Get it Done!". The first is a demand to drop every thing else and just do it no matter the cost. The other is well I would have been scratching my head and doing as you said asking what you meant.

    I agree that things can be interpreted in different ways, which is yet another reason once again to just asking for clarification. What is most interesting, is that once I posted a clarification showing it to be a word of encouragement that should have been the end of it, but people put such an emotional investment into being offended that they just continue to say you are rude, call names, and any clarification you give they just claim to be offended even more. I simply just dont cower to people who bahave that way who ever they may be.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Get It Done - Git-er-done Meaning

    One last comment and then I am moving on. As my "emotional investment" I.E. Entertainment value of this thread, is quickly dropping. So I am to give the person being rude the satisfaction of me asking if they mean to be rude? No thanks as of the 150+ active posters I think I have thought maybe 3 or 4 were rude and most of the posters thought that also. Being as the 150+ have been able to post there comments in 17,000+ threads and I have not had to ask "Pardon me do you mean to be rude?" I do not think I will start now. But then I am a lazy person so will just rely on my judgment as it has not seemed to fail me yet. Thought i have miss remembered and misunderstood post in other ways so maybe my judgment needs a tune up.

  7. #27

    Default Re: Get It Done - Git-er-done Meaning

    Hehe Deth,

    You dont ask them if they are trying to be rude, you know like the guy asking the other guy if he has any Grey Poupon. :-)

    A simple what did you mean by XXXX is all thats needed.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: Get It Done - Git-er-done Meaning

    1) Don't use slang, a continent of people here won't even understand what you say.

    2) Don't use slang, the other continent of people will understand and be pissed off at what you say.

    3) Don't use slang and impositive tones, that make people feel like they are reading the WoW forums.
    Vahrokh Vain - Ancient dragon level 100 adv 100 craft 34M of untainted, fireworks and other crap free hoard.
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  9. #29
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Get It Done - Git-er-done Meaning

    heehee, thought i was done with this topic, but you hooked me back in, vah!!
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
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  10. #30

    Default Re: Get It Done - Git-er-done Meaning

    Quote Originally Posted by Vahrokh View Post
    1) Don't use slang, a continent of people here won't even understand what you say.

    2) Don't use slang, the other continent of people will understand and be pissed off at what you say.

    3) Don't use slang and impositive tones, that make people feel like they are reading the WoW forums.

    Dont get offended too easily.

    Dont get offended too easily.

    Dont go looking to get offended.

    Looking to censor is nuts, how about making an effort to understand..... oh but thats work isnt it ............. it requires a crazy lil thing like tolerance.


    Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself.-- Harvey S. Firestone
    Last edited by Seenu; June 10th, 2008 at 03:09 AM.

  11. #31
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    Default Re: Get It Done - Git-er-done Meaning

    You're not helping your case with me by being flippant.

    You can look that up, and try not to use the crap that is the urban dictionary.
    Dragon Scroll; BLIGHT~Anam, Ahleah; CHAOS~Veruliyam, Ceruliyan, Jaguarundi, Spinel, Ssussurrouss, Chon; ORDER~Aucapoma, Susurrus

  12. #32

    Default Re: Get It Done - Git-er-done Meaning

    Quote Originally Posted by Veruliyam View Post
    You're not helping your case with me by being flippant.

    You can look that up, and try not to use the crap that is the urban dictionary.

    So no reasonable statement, just an attack on the ... the dictionary. .... wow.

    See how emtionalism can cause people to turn reality on its head. For example. I give a word of encouragement, albeit veiled in slang, so people say that its mean and all that. So I clarify it so there is no doubt that it was a word of encouragement - and it causes those who jumped to the assumption to be angered further because their assumption was shown to be incorrect.

    So now, I ask people to work to embrace tolerance and understanding and that is called being flippant.

    Reality has been turned on its head. Wasn't it Oliver Cromwell who said that there is a war against reason?
    Last edited by Seenu; June 10th, 2008 at 04:15 AM.

  13. #33
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    Default Re: Get It Done - Git-er-done Meaning

    I see both sides to the arguement.

    #1 being diplomatic is a good idea, aim to please your audience.

    #2 Some people do look to be offended or think they should be. Often there is no slight but an illusory one.

    My advice to both sides.

    Keep feelings in mind, do not demand. Yet, do not be easily annoyed, try to annoy, or... my facorite toughen up a wee bit. People say htings they don't mean when they are upset/mad. Fact of life. Don't have to get along, but we can all act like it sometimes.
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  14. #34

    Default Re: Get It Done - Git-er-done Meaning

    Seenu, you said "Get it done". That is a far far cry from "Get-er-done!".

    "Get-er-done!" is Larry the Cable Guy's catchphrase. It has a very different connotation to it. Also, you might want to get rid of the link to Urban Dictionary if you want to expand your vocabulary.

    On the internet there's two sides to this. First, the poster should have used the correct version of "Get-er-done!" which would have contained the comedian's intent with the phrase instead of becoming a demand. Secondly all the offended people should realize that it's the internet and grow a skin.

    This is a pathetic argument from both sides of the fence.

  15. #35

    Default Re: Get It Done - Git-er-done Meaning


    Ok, this thread is degenerating rapidly, even for a rant.

    • Several people have made the point to Seenu that using "Get It Done" in the title of the other post was interpreted as demanding action by the devs.
    • Seenu is insisting on getting the last word by reitterating that everyone else must be speaking a different version of English because an Urban Dictionary (by its nature covering slang and not standard Engligh, thus proving her point) defines it as a positive statement and not a demanding one.
    • Seenu also claims that everyone pointing out why "Get It Done" was seen as demanding when read with standard English, must be closeminded and not open to alternative interpretations while herself refusing to acknowledge the validity of the standard interpretation of that phrase. She further claims that those disagreeing with her must be offended (she keeps using the term) by modern idioms, prompting those posters to reply that they weren't offended, just trying to point out the items in the first bullet point, thus propogating the discussion through another round.

    Now, Seenu will look at that last bullet point, object vociferously and defend her point-of-view by denouncing my post, because of the reasons pointed out in the second bullet point. That's fine, let her have the last word, don't feel you need to defend my statements or yours in this case (again, see the second bullet point).

    I'm going to recommend that this thread be locked once Seenu has gotten the last word in as its currently pointless, repetitious bickering and is coming very close to flame-baiting, both of which are against the forum rules. As much as each side may be frustrated with the other, its time to end this discussion.
    Last edited by Oakleif; June 10th, 2008 at 07:57 AM. Reason: link for forum rules added
    Exploring is a necessary skill, and its not like death is fatal. At least, not for the gifted.

  16. #36
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Get It Done - Git-er-done Meaning

    Quote Originally Posted by Seenu View Post

    So this is why asking for clarification is so important before an emotional investment is made in being offended. Because once the choice is made to be offended - everything read or seen in the future by that person will be read with a filter in mind to find an excuse to justify being offended.
    It is so easy to say "I didn't mean it that way, you took it wrong" after someone is offended by it. It can be said about everything and it has no meaning at all if it isn't followd by an appology or/and the effort to change.

    It is also that after reading you saying "All other persons are moronic trolls" (in another post) and another one like that I really don't think it's only in the readers mind you tend to be less polite in your postings than the other posters in this forum. You could think that's your right but it is other peoples right too to object and all with all that would lead to not so nice situations on a usually nice forum.

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  17. #37

    Default Re: Get It Done - Git-er-done Meaning

    Quote Originally Posted by Vahrokh View Post
    1) Don't use slang, a continent of people here won't even understand what you say.

    2) Don't use slang, the other continent of people will understand and be pissed off at what you say.

    3) Don't use slang and impositive tones, that make people feel like they are reading the WoW forums.
    I suggest you read this again, Seenu
    Your response to this was : "Don't get offended."

    Where in that quote is the word "offended"? The word is "understanding".

    There are tons of people here all over the world-many where English is not a first language or even a second.

    I don't know how many people get to verify the information on the urban dictionary or what part of the country it's used in, but as far as a military term (how I've seen it used over the years) it means "You've screwed up on something and/or exceedingly late. HURRY UP!" This goes for the catchphrase.

    Slang can mean literally anything. What does the phrase "She's a killer" mean to you? What do you think a person whose second language is Englisgh thinks it means?
    Last edited by Shian; June 10th, 2008 at 09:33 AM.

  18. #38

    Default Re: Get It Done - Git-er-done Meaning

    Much of current "acceptable" language started as slang.
    "Git er done" has been made widely popular in the states from one of the "blue collar" comedians (sorry I'm horrible with names, can only picture him not tell you his name) and is taken by many in fun rather than just as a demand.

    That said, my first interpretation of it was as an emphasized "I want this now" when I saw it in the title of a post - not a patient, understanding request. It's really hard to have everyone hear what you intend to say, sometimes even if you do not use slang. It is also very hard to be sure no one will get offended by a casual zing or jest - even if the target of the jest takes it well, others may be offended by the statements made. The safest bet is to be as polite as you can.

    Asking for clarification about what a person really meant often helps prevent hard feelings from a misunderstanding.

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