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Thread: Marketplace Woes, v2

  1. #1

    Default Marketplace Woes, v2

    I know there was a thread awhile back on a similar (or same?) topic, but memory eludes me as to which forum it was in, and such... but anyways.

    On Order (I don't know about Chaos), there has been a _severe_ lack of T1 basics up on the NT connie. No Cargo Disks. No Cargo Gear. Few Basic spells, little to no Basic Armor. No Backpacks. There's less than 300 items up, right now, and most of them are unprocessed resources, and a whole load of flaxen sacks and rough hide satchels, along with some Lv11+ armor.

    So, on MP, I've tried different times, saying things like "WTB: T1 Cargo Disk/Cargo Gear/Backpack" and absolutely no response.

    I've also tried saying things like "The NT Connie is almost out of everything, could someone please restock it?"

    Again, nothing. Nada. It is like I'm on everyone's ignore, or something.

    But yet, in Marketplace.... yes Marketplace, people can joke around, be silly, etc, and THEY get responses, but yet when I try to use the Channel for yes, actual trade, my requests/pleas/etc go unanswered.

    I'm a 8 WAR / 10 BLK and I have no Cargo Disk, no Cargo Gear, and the starting backpack. If I recall correctly, to be able to make just a T1 backpack, I have to get up to at least Lv15 Outfitter, or higher... something like that.

    I think VI should look into making some of the basics (like Cargo Disks) a bit easier to obtain for T1 characters, if none of the Player Characters can be bothered enough to make them for anyone but guildies. I know I sound a bit cynical/cranky here, but jeez. I hate being ignored, and it would take what, <5min for someone with Lv20+ Leatherworking to throw together 5+ bags, sell one to me and stick the rest on the connie? Heck, someone asked for a Scale Pack in Dragon not that long ago.... and I took 5 minutes, and made *8* Sandstone Scale Packs, and threw the rest on the connie. All but two sold, at 200c each, not a lot of money, but a small bit, every little bit counts.

    How long would it take an average Lv20+ tinkerer to throw a couple cargo disks together? It isn't like I'm asking for teched gear or anything....

  2. #2

    Default Re: Marketplace Woes, v2

    let's see... run out and gather 30 stone bricks per disk, 7 orbs per disk, and 20-30 metal bars for the gears/springs/hinges/struts per disk. sslanis is the most convenient tinkering bench for making disks to take to nt since there isn't a tinkering bench on the island, so portal fees on top of that, and oh my look at the bulk on these things (not to mention they don't stack) and it becomes hard for me to take over more than a half dozen at a time. add to that there are at least 4 different levels of disks per tier...

    i put tools on the connie instead of disks last time, and had the audacity to spend time on some guild activities instead of focusing on milicent's shelves this weekend. it takes me at least couple of hours to get 6-10 of one type of disk stocked on her shelves. i am not the most efficient of crafters (though i am at max skill level for crafting disks) but i do try.

    as for the kidding around in mp to get responses, perhaps you could try it? if you roleplay ineptly trying to make your own gear with inadequate tools, no sense about what you put together, and comments that you wish someone who knew what they were doing could help you, folks are more likely to respond with help for you.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Marketplace Woes, v2

    Well, I am on Chaos but we do have a similar problem. Actually just yesterday we had a player asking for a satchel and kept raising the price on how much he would pay for one to be made. Don't know if he ever got it though.

    If I could make a suggestion though, if market fails to get you any results why not ask in private tells? (I assume you haven't cause you don't mention doing so in your post. Forgive me if you did.) You can always do a Player Search for characters online that have a high enough class for whatever it is you want them to make. Simply start off with a "Hello *insert name*, how are you?" then a "Are you busy?" and end it with a nice "Could I possible make a/an *insert item you want to be made here* for me. I would appreciate it and pay you for your time." You are bound to get what you ask for. It also helps to ask your friends/guildmates or people you associate with a lot if they can make the said item or if not, if they know someone who can.
    Also, don't get too mad if no one responds if you are asking during a time when most of the people in the server are asleep in bed or half dead at the computer. In that case you might just wanna try asking when more people are around and willing to assist.

    Hope that helps a bit.

    I lurk within the depths of your mind, for I am INSANITY!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Marketplace Woes, v2

    Have you ever made a dragon disk? (lvl 20) Disks are a royal pain in the tail. Nearly one of every crafting resource from all corners of Istaria. They're so irritating, I don't make them. I'll make scale packs and claws though. I leave the disks to ones with more patience.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Marketplace Woes, v2

    As much as the community says it needs new blood for the game to thrive, it is rare that players want to depart from what they are doing, whether it be socializing or hunting or leveling to do something for another player.

    We on Chaos are fortunate, I can think of at least 1 player that has ALWAYS offered to make ANYTHING for whoever asks on market.

    He does have to be online and at keyboard however.

    Generally, most requests tend to be accommodated within a few hours.

    Back in the "old" days, those that chose crafting as their chosen means of making coin, either had the resources in stock, or would go gather the needed materials to fill orders.

    This expectation that a crafter will ONLY make something (if they don't have the supplies on hand) if the player provides it, I find to be rather sad.

    To play devil's advocate however, I myself tend to wait before offering to make something if I don't have the supplies on hand, hoping that someone that has better stocked silos will offer.

    Generally by the 3rd or 4th request, I'll try to make the item, unless I'm engaged in something where I can't break away without putting other players that I'm with at an inconvenience.

    As for the player that wanted the satchel, he got it.

    So, long winded post, but I guess my point is that if we want to promote and encourage new players and not have them leave frustrated because they cannot purchase common items, we should make an effort to accommodate them.

    After all, we claim to have such a wonderful community.

    The previous thread the OP mentioned was in the Istaria rants I believe.

  6. #6
    Member Kulamata's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: Marketplace Woes, v2

    This is not a new problem. Low level players couldn't get basic armor, tools, or weapons. Some players intermittently added tier 1 items to the NT connie, (actually sometimes to all four beginner isle connies) but that was a bit hit and miss.

    One of the really good ideas in the Good Ol' Days was surplus (? refurbished?) armor, with specs a tad lower than craft-built, at a cost affordable to even an inept slug hunter. Great idea; and now that the need has been pointed out, it could obviously be extended to tier 1 cargo disks, back packs, and cargo gear.

    Rumor has it that one of the devs believes he has a spare lunch hour just next month...
    ____Kulamata Quality Armor___
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    Achiever 86%, Explorer 60%, Socializer 46%, Killer 6%.

  7. #7
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Marketplace Woes, v2

    i know blight is a special case - our population is usually small. but unless you are being a jerk (or peeps are not too busy), ask and you shall recieve.....
    unless you want techs, which common courtesy suggests is only right, most of us don't ask for payment of any type. i personally have silos full of most metal, wood, and stone basic resources (+ dims for sockets) for quick, low quantity crafting, with icings plot next door having all the needed exp ws....

    on the live shards, i would try the suggestion above of sending tells to peeps you know can craft what you are looking for. your messages may be getting lost in the crowd, or peeps may not be looking at the chat at the moment. by the time they get back, they may think you no longer need the help.

    and it always helps to know as much as possible about what you need - if you need cargo gear, what techs? color? etc.

    and unfortunately, you may have to come to terms with the fact that you may not be able to find anyone able to do what you want......
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
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  8. #8

    Default Re: Marketplace Woes, v2

    It is an issue, but patience is somewhat needed i guess. I think honestly, most of the people in marketplace and the other high number channels are mainly afk.

    I do find that when I raise the price of something I need, it grabs the attention of someone, and someone will make said item for me. 95% of the time, the price I offer isn't what I have to pay.

    Generally I guess, most people are off doing their own things with the chat window small, or just aren't paying attention to marketplace. Doesn't change the fact that something should be done to help newer folks get into the game a little easier.

    I can't imagine fighting with a level 1 weapon at 11, or not having armor to protect me from stuff at such a young age. Would be hard to grow.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Marketplace Woes, v2

    feel free to send a tell to Flameus or Lovwyrm on order, or FlamsKin and LovsKin on chaos , if you need something, a dragon can craft for you

  10. #10

    Default Re: Marketplace Woes, v2

    And can send me a tell as well, I usually will try and accomodate new players, and most commonly never 'charge' for crafting something up, even disks, yes, they are a PITA to get supplies for, but that is what silos are for, and 99.99999% of the time I have them stocked with all tiers of resources for my sweetie(you know who you is to build with.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Marketplace Woes, v2

    Xanthia.... I can make satchels, just not high level ones with techs

    In Chaos, most of the "getting things made" are your 6 degrees of separation from someone who knows someone and points them in the right direction.

    I keep a list of players that I have known for almost 5 years and if they don't know someone, they can do it themselves if they are not busy. Networking is a good thing... get your player networking going and the problem goes away.

    Asking in MP is ok but not everyone wants to stop their ******* to help out a fellow Istarian.
    Justa Mirage: Ranger 100 / Healer 92 / Carpentry 100 / Confectioner 100 / Fletching 92 / Weaver 62 / Gatherer 34
    Flatspin: Ancient Lunus Dragon 100 / Craft 100 / Lairshaping 100

  12. #12

    Default Re: Marketplace Woes, v2

    Im always on chaos and love to help with crafted needs. I stock resources and items often but i do not often watch market/dragon that carefully. Akuluxtraxas, kalemendrax, Crystariyx and Kymara are my main toons. I can craft all tools,disks,dragon stuff, anything.

    Feel free to /tell me. Ill usually be happy to assist freely of charge. all i ask is if you want techs try to get the comps. ill pitch in when able but my stock too has its limits. If im extremely busy ill kindly say so but may know a friend who is not. Chaos here and Order toon is leveling now.

    The Key is /tell me. as i say i miss most of the main chats

  13. #13

    Default Re: Marketplace Woes, v2

    I certainly dont want to sound like the old, grumpy dragon here, but I have a grievance with the thought behind the original post. Dont get me wrong, I enjoy helping others when they ask me, but we all pay to play as we generally want (within the confines of the rules of course). I am not upset when my request for items are ignored, I just try again later. I would expect all others to stop what they are doing to see to my needs only if I was paying for their playing time.

    On another angle, I wonder how everybody got their items when the game was first released? I bet they crafted themselves up to doing it themselves.

    Tried not to be very blunt or abrasive here. Happy hunting and safe journeys.

    Shargrailar / Manshoon

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Nowhere near Slayvite's Lair i can tell you that. He has Ranch sauce instead of shampoo.

    Default Re: Marketplace Woes, v2

    And to be honest, you can buy Lvl 1 and lvl 11 gear from either Frelic in NT or the one stood next to the consigners in Kion.
    By the time your reach lvl 21, you should know somebody to help or be crafting yourself anyway.

    Most will tell you the same, Tech'd gear for T1 is a waste of time and resources.
    That said, our guild normally keeps Kion stocked with low lvl gear, and if your on Chaos. Join the UoP Chat and introduce yourself, you'll get sorted in their

  15. #15

    Default Re: Marketplace Woes, v2

    My apologies for any irritation in my OP, but it really does get frustrating.

    To Sindala, I would have to ask this:

    Why Kion? I do not know about Chaos, but most people go to NT for most of their Tier1 stuff unless they need a jman shop to help their skill, because unlike most other areas, the resources are actually near the machines.

    Also, as far as Frelic, that is good for Armor And Weapons, but..... he has no shields, no backpacks, no satchels, no cargo disks.

    Here's another idea for the Developers reading this:

    Lower the Requirements to make the Tier 1 items, and make them lower level! A Tier 1 tech takes -1- Tech Comp and a couple orbs. a Tier 5 Tech takes what, 4 comps and more orbs? Why can't we have the same for Tier 1 cargo disks/backpacks/satchels?

    Would it Really break the game to make these easier to make (thus make more people willing to make them) so that Tier 1 people have something to actually use, without having to beg people to make something for them?

    I don't know about anyone else, but I hate getting freebies. I'm a Tier 1 character, my highest level is 10. I have -nothing- to offer anyone as compensation, other than the 13 silver my character currently has. To anyone Level 20+, 13 silver is a drop in the bucket for their time.

    I think the easiest way to solve this problem, is to make the Tier 1 (sandstone/bronze/etc) stuff easier to make/get. I do not like the idea of sticking Refurbished Disks up on Frelic, because they would have a smaller capacity (unless we made them exactly the same as the regular disks), and the T1 disks are small as it is! That's to say nothing about Backpacks (starting backpack is 1k, the T1 is what, 1200? What would the Refurb be, +100?).

    But something needs done, leveling up without a Cargo Disk at the very least is going to take *forever*. Trying to level Tinkering until I make my own Cargo disk would take even longer.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Nowhere near Slayvite's Lair i can tell you that. He has Ranch sauce instead of shampoo.

    Default Re: Marketplace Woes, v2

    The game pretty much directs you to kion now at around lvl 10 so it's the next logical place to put the stuff.
    Also on Chaos theirs ALOT of junk put on NT connie, so unless you actually know how to use the filters correctly you wont even see most of the stuff by just opening the trade window.

    NT is a beginners Island, where the player gets to grips with game mechanics and fighting/crafting skills. Lesser Ardroth is the T1 Isle where you really start your adventures.

    And yes, players would actually learn alot more if they actually read the pop up windows from Spirit Isle and NT before spamming MP about 'where do i find grulets?'

  17. #17

    Default Re: Marketplace Woes, v2

    Quote Originally Posted by Dhalin View Post
    I'm a Tier 1 character, my highest level is 10. I have -nothing- to offer anyone as compensation, other than the 13 silver my character currently has. To anyone Level 20+, 13 silver is a drop in the bucket for their time.


    My Battle Abilities span 4 pages, and crafting abilities take up 2, so that's 6 of the 10 used, and trust me, in the middle of battle, I'm starting to forget which bar has which ability...

    My dragon is 56DRAG and 100DCRA.

    Your current character may be only level 10, but you should have plenty of game experience, hopefully friends or guildmates, and lots more than 13 silver.
    Grandmaster of Flame: Simultaneous solo of 4 Phantom Mages, 2 Death Dealers, 1 Ogre Bodyguard
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  18. #18
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    Nowhere near Slayvite's Lair i can tell you that. He has Ranch sauce instead of shampoo.

    Default Re: Marketplace Woes, v2

    Quote Originally Posted by GalemThawn View Post
    Your current character may be only level 10, but you should have plenty of game experience, hopefully friends or guildmates, and lots more than 13 silver.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Marketplace Woes, v2

    It is true, I do have a dragon, yes, but that doesn't help my biped much.

    My dragon is in a low-population guild, along with my GF and I can't bring myself to leave that guild, it had a lot of friends who I sorely miss, and I would think that I would feel like I am betraying them (especially the person who still plays the game, though I rarely see him online, the current guildmaster) if I left the guild...

    My new character has no guild, and if I have her join a guild, then I would not be able to transfer techniques and forms (that I was going to farm, using my dragon by killing various named mobs that drop 3-4 at a time) from my dragon using my lair (if I set it to Guild-only). If I set it to Allow All, then I am obviously opening the door to other problems (theft, etc). They REALLY need another option that allows your plots to be accessed by anyone on the same account (last I read, this is not the case), then I could have this new character of mine join another guild, without having to figure out how to work around it.

    I do have game experience, yes, but through a dragon's eyes. Most of the stuff I know doesn't really apply to bipeds and I'm pretty new at playing one. Heck, just two days ago I wasted a whole load of bronze, because I forgot that a Bronze Ringmail Belt does NOT grant Blacksmith Experience. Gah. One button press and 5+ minutes of gathering down the tubes, and absolutely nothing gained. Nnngh.

    As to Money, my dragon isn't much better off... he's got a whopping 140 silver... buying his lair last year (500s) ate most of it, and then a slew of Expert Forms which ate another large chunk of it. Been meaning to do Plat Lodestone PBing runs (the only way I know of that gets decent money), but it is Boring as heck.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Marketplace Woes, v2

    Bit off-topic, but the friends only setting can be used if you just want to give access to certain people. Works wonderfully if you just use your storage to transfer things between your alts, as I'm doing now. It's plot-wide though, so you would have to specify each and every person who has access to your storage, so your mileage may vary.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

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