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Thread: Public "permanent" plot/lairs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Lovely Arkansas... Against my will!

    Default Public "permanent" plot/lairs

    Philanthropy realized! A way to take those lairs/plots that folks have built for our use in key locations and make them semi-permanent and free up the plot/lair slot for the person that built them:

    We all know of a few good places where plots/lairs exist where the machines are invaluable. The problem with building machines in these locations for folks (or owning the existing plots) is that it takes up one of your plot/lair slots.

    The devs can own an account that only they have access to (or one specific dev) that players can sell a plot/lair to where it can be held indefinitely (for as long as the devs deem permissible) with permissions defaulted to "allow all" and all storage/structures set to "allow all".

    The criteria:
    Not to get too in-depth with this since I'm sure (if this is feasible) the devs will want to develop their own set of rules. Just as a taste.. they criteria for a plot/lair becoming a "public" plot/lair would be:

    1. The plot/lair has to have a certain percentage of the land/lair used (I.E. Can't take up a whole lair for just one machine, that's just a waste of space)
    2. The plot/lair has to be 100% complete (I.E. this wouldn't be a "plan it and have the community build it" type deal due to the maintenance the devs would have to do each time a structure was completed to keep everything "allow all" since the default is "deny all".)
    3. The plot/lair would have to have some type of positive influence on the surrounding area and provide an otherwise missing or hard to reach machine/structure of a MEANINGFUL tier. (I.E. no beginner/T1 machines should be something the devs consider)
    4. The devs would have to have a very minimal involvement in the maintenance of the account. So, once sold, those novians and the plot/lair are lost to the person that built it (that's the true spirit of a philanthropist) and the lair/plot truly become "public". So nobody can "get it back" after sold or request changes to a storage temporarily so they can store things, etc.
    5. The timeframe would be something the devs would have to figure out, or maybe someone can come up with a good formula based on the tier of the lair/plot, etc. Or they can just keep it until someone petitions to buy the lair/plot and the community agrees that the plot/lair is no longer needed.

    This is just a rough outline of the way this could work. It should require little to no front work, just an account set up and some way to let the devs know to consider a plot/lair for public submission. Once the plot is "bought" by the dev public account.. the plot/lair structures would have to be set for "allow all" and that should be the end of the dev involvement.
    Mensarian state of mind: Being without one completely!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Public "permanent" plot/lairs

    This is a good idea; although I'd prefer community projects/craft center type of structures in key locations.

    This would give some uniformity across the shards, would not tie up plots/lairs and give the players a nice project to work on.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Cambridgeshire, UK

    Default Re: Public "permanent" plot/lairs

    I agree with Creme here. It would be excellent to have some more projects to build - not necessarily on a plot.

    I went to Heather last night for example, on Chaos. And I couldn't find a clothworking shop anywhere - which means it's not great for working kenaf any more :/
    Bobda Bilda (Chaos) - - what takes up most of my spare time now..

  4. #4

    Wink Re: Public "permanent" plot/lairs

    Quote Originally Posted by Arietna View Post
    I agree with Creme here. It would be excellent to have some more projects to build - not necessarily on a plot.

    I went to Heather last night for example, on Chaos. And I couldn't find a clothworking shop anywhere - which means it's not great for working kenaf any more :/
    Ask in UoP chat next time you cant find things

  5. #5

    Default Re: Public "permanent" plot/lairs

    I like both ideas. Though, how do you intend on getting the community's opinion on the matter? Not everyone is online in-game at the same time to ask, and not everyone who'd be effected uses the forums.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Lovely Arkansas... Against my will!

    Default Re: Public "permanent" plot/lairs

    I didn't say community feedback would be needed.

    This would be a dev-run account, they would have to come up with a way to make it fair.. maybe have the plot/lair stay public for as long as the account is being paid on? After that it's up to them what happens to the plot/lair I suppose.

    And if the plots/lairs are being "held up" by a public lair/plot with usable machines/storage... uhh.. Is there something more important that you'd like to put there?

    And, no offense, but I have yet to see a "world project" that had any worth.. most of it is busy work and/or fluff. Or so off the beaten path there's no point in trying to get to it (like the T4 smelter in Dralk).

    Just my opinion though.. the players know better where a good location will be for public-accessible machines/storage/structures will be.
    Mensarian state of mind: Being without one completely!

  7. #7
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Public "permanent" plot/lairs

    the trade center in harton valley is pretty handy.......or it will be on blight when vel gets around to doing it....
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Public "permanent" plot/lairs

    Quote Originally Posted by Mairynn Nalnair View Post
    Ask in UoP chat next time you cant find things
    Oh I will.. but even then there wouldn't have been a cloth shop anywhere in Heather

    I just took em back to guild plots anyway.. I was thankfully only after enough kenaf to make a couple fishing poles

    I just want more world projects, they help community spirit - ones that are actually useful would be cool - LIKE the idea for the plot, but specific ones for specific areas. Perhaps we could vote on ones we like the best?
    Bobda Bilda (Chaos) - - what takes up most of my spare time now..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Pacific NW, USA // Order

    Default Re: Public "permanent" plot/lairs

    An example of thr right idea in dev-offered player built items is what was the ruined woodworking station at elminc (in my case on Order shard). When the players restored it we had a field shop with both machines. Subsequently a portal was added opposite the shop. Now, if the devs added a couple of ruined silos next to the woodworking station and these when player built were public access, then that dev sponsered player project (which is not subscription dependent) would be an ideal example..


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