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Thread: Player Tips and Hints

  1. #61
    Member C`gan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: The "Man I wish someone had told me that before" thread

    I recently found out someone didn't know this.

    Say you want to quickly change multiple pieces of clothing (swapping craft or adventure classes suddenly makes you nude). There are two ways to be able to do this quickly. The SLOW method is to select each piece individually and drag and drop it in the location in your equipment window.

    Option 1: place each complete set of clothing in it's own backpack pouch. Set the backpack pouch inventory window to list view. Click on the bottom item, hold down shift key and click on the top item. This selects all of the items in between as well. Then drag all of them to a slot in your equipment window.

    Option 2: If you prefer to use graphic view instead of list view, hold down the ctrl key as you click on the items you want to equip. That selects each item individually. Then drag all of them to a slot in your equipment window.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  2. #62

    Default Re: The "Man I wish someone had told me that before" thread

    Option 3: Select all the items and drag them to a hot key. One-click dressing.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  3. #63

    Default Re: The "Man I wish someone had told me that before" thread

    Ah but be careful on the one click dressup hotkey... when you do that method; the hotkey is set to "Toggle" the items you drag, not "Equip"

    This drove me nuts for a little bit, when I would try to swap out my crafting scales for flight scales, but when I went to use the hotkey to put my crafting armor back on, thinking they would be "equipped" the hotkey removed the remaining crafting scales from my body and replaced the wing scales.

    It works as intended, but my preference would be "Equip" vs. "Toggle"
    Justa Mirage: Ranger 100 / Healer 92 / Carpentry 100 / Confectioner 100 / Fletching 92 / Weaver 62 / Gatherer 34
    Flatspin: Ancient Lunus Dragon 100 / Craft 100 / Lairshaping 100

  4. #64

    Default Re: The "Man I wish someone had told me that before" thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Helcat
    (for new players)

    speaking of portaling...

    Save money by portaling for free from one of the New player towns
    (example, New Trismus...) until you reach Level 20.

    After you reach Level 20, you can port for 1/2 price to any town
    by using Bristugo as your travel hub.
    After lvl 20.. port thru Trandelar for free from racial city to racial city.

  5. #65

    Default Re: The "Man I wish someone had told me that before" thread

    Kumu said:
    e seeking a particular enemy: For example all the named monsters you are asked to kill for dragon quests.

    Make a hotkey of "/select Tashka Lusa" changing the name of your target. Set it to repeating.

    Then run around the areas where it will spawn. This way it will select the enemy you are looking for as soon as you are in range.

    I ask this: How do I make it recycle? I have looked for a command, but really do not know what it looks like -- or is it something I type in myself? Currently, I have this key on my primary bar so I hit a number key to activate it -- I would love to know how to make it loop itself . . . .

    I. Percival Dragon

  6. #66

    Default Re: The "Man I wish someone had told me that before" thread

    Quote Originally Posted by HAG
    Very good thread so far - let's see if i can add something useful.

    1.) Many peeps don't know that they just have to be close to a NPC/structure/machine and not in (front of) it.
    a) Crafting Shops - just park your disk outside the shop, close to the machine you need and craft "through the walls" so to say. [img]/Web//emoticons/emotion-2.gif[/img]
    b) Take vaults like Aughundell: you can stay outside the building, accessing it from the rear side (close to the LP) and access your vault without running all the way into the building. Just hit "V" when you feel you are close.
    c) NPCs: Kirasanct or Aughundell has multiple layers. It's good to stay on the level you are, selecting the NPC you need, even if it is on the level lower. Hotkey - the same as you use for searching named bossmobs - is your friend here.

    2.) All the stuff you can type - you can also set into a hotkey. So speaking of better game-performance when using "/setpref"s and other commands - just put it in a hotkey to turn it off and on - as you like or need it. I have set up a hotkey for big group-fights, de-activating all unnecessary effects - and another one to activate it again when i am alone.

    3.) When multiclassing and switching schools, you usually have to re-arrange all your hotkeys again, as abilities and usable items change. Many people don't know they can save their hotkey-files and safe lots of time this way.
    a) Find the folder within your HZ, containing the file and subfolder.
    Should be something like <drivename>:\Horizons\PREFS\Unity_<nameof yourchar>\
    There you will find the file "UIHotkeys.def" and a subfolder "hotkey_icons".
    Copy those 2 into an archive-folder of your choice, naming them after the current class.
    (To me, f.ex. it's Archiv\Horizons\Unity_Hagen\<class-name>[img]/Web/emoticons/emotion-5.gif[/img]
    b) So whenever you need your hotkeys back for a specific class, just copy them back from the archive-folder you have safed your files before. Just don't forget to shut down the game before ... [img]/Web//emoticons/emotion-5.gif[/img]
    Wow! Now, Have you tried to place those archive folders into the in-game notepad we were given a short while back????

    I. Percival Dragon

  7. #67

    Default Re: The "Man I wish someone had told me that before" thread


    Set a hotkey with your target name
    and then add right after that:
    Wait 3 seconds (add that with the + button)
    Execute Hotkey (bank your search key is on, and the hotkey number)

    This will stick it in a loop with a 3 second pause between uses.
    Justa Mirage: Ranger 100 / Healer 92 / Carpentry 100 / Confectioner 100 / Fletching 92 / Weaver 62 / Gatherer 34
    Flatspin: Ancient Lunus Dragon 100 / Craft 100 / Lairshaping 100

  8. #68
    Member C`gan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island


    Watch the upper limits of your tools. They DO limit you if you go above them in current skill.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  9. #69


    If you want to upset your party members, the /loot command will remove all items from a selected corpse and can be hotkeyed.
    Odd, when I do /loot, it just brings up a loot window instead of automatically grabbing everything....


  10. #70


    I saw that this was referenced in another post, but not quite addressed directly:

    I didn't think of making multiple copies of my hot key bar to see all my hot keys at once for a very long time. Made a major difference in my game, to the point I'm a little embarassed to mention it. }:=8}

  11. #71


    First time I went to the quartermaster I didn't realise that Heal Increase 3 could only be used when you reached T3. I thought it was just, the more money (markers) you spend, the better you can get. So I blew all the markers I had on getting the best techs, to find out that I coud'nt use a single one.
    Airianna 100 Elf Mage
    Order Shard

  12. #72


    It took me a while to realize that I as a biped could also craft on dragon machines, even though they look so different.

    And that player built shops also can be used to scribe formula that are above your current skill. You need to stand in front of the machine, equip a tool that could craft that item in the formula if you already had scribed it (make sure the tool does not cap your skill level below that) and pretend you want to craft another item with that tool. In your create item window, the skill will show with the added bonus (+25 for beginner, +50 for journeyman, +75 for expert shops) and then you can scribe the formula.
    snickel wigglsniff (retired) Twilight Crusaders on Unity
    poggle wigglsniff (gnomish crafter and mage) semi-retired on Order
    A gnomish house should not just sit there, it should definitely DO something!

  13. #73

    Default Some Aliases that can reduce lag

    in chat box type in the following
    /Alias v1 /setpref LoadDist 50
    /Alias v2 /setpref fogEndDist 50
    /Alias v3 /setpref LoadDist 165
    /Alias v4 /setpref fogEndDist 165
    /Alias v5 /setpref LoadDist 1000
    /Alias v6 /setpref fogEndDist 1000

    The first 2 set your view distance to minimum. I use this setting before porting or recalling and in some towns. It reduces lag quite a lot because less stuff is rendered off in distance.

    The mid 2 set my view distance to optimal for my system. You can find out what yours are set at by looking for them in ClientPrefs_Graphic.def in prefs folder.

    The last 2 set your view distance to max I am able to use this setting on Ice Island and a few other places without lag causing me problems (you will probably have to experiment in different locations to find where you can use it).

  14. #74


    Mine are set to Equip item and it works great. I can stand at a full vault and switch and the armor im wearing weill go into the vault.

  15. #75

    Default Tips and Tricks! (Known player workarounds for bugs or other issues)

    I fugured a post with a list of answers would fit in the "help" section better than anwhere else. There are often things that are bugged or otherwise irritating that players have found a solution for. So far, these are only what I have observed as common questions in IG channels and a compilation of whatever is on this board.

    Issue: Tell sounds are too quiet.

    1. The slider does not work. You have to manually set it by typing:
    /setpref newTellSoundVolume 50

    Issue: How do I turn off the load screen?

    1. type the following in any window:
    /setpref useloadingscreen false

    Issue: The game lags and the sliders don't seem to do anythig. In fact, if I turn stuff down it seems to get worse!

    There are a number of thinngs you can do:

    /setpref spelleffects false/true Turns off/on spell effects
    /setpref environment false/true Turns on/off the sky and can increase performance. Requires a re-log before it will work.
    Turn off terrain clutter and cloth simulation

    Issue: A resource/mob has spawned into a wall. A creature died, but it fell directly on top of the other. How do I loot both? etc

    1. In your resources folder in the HZ directory, you will see a file named Commands_Player.def
    2. copy this file to the folder "resources_override"
    3. open it in notepad
    4. after one of the commands "}' and before the next one's "//" dosen't matter where inthe sequence, paste in the following:

    // setscale
    string name = "setscale"
    string usage = "<pref name> <pref value>"
    string description = ""
    int numParams = 1
    int minParams = 1

    5. You can now use /setscale (number) anything from 0.1-3.0. Shrink corpses you looted to keep track of the ones with stuff on them. Enlarge the resource in the wall so it will stick out and you can reach it! Be creative This command is useful.

    Issue: The entrance to a lair has a rock in the way and I cannot get in. Is it sealed?

    No, this is a bug. Here's how to get rid of it:
    1. double-click on the problem lair entrance so you get the lair's property window.
    2. In the tabs, go over to the "Construction" tab
    3. Without closing the window, you should be able to walk through the entrance and no more rock. Some players have reported that closing the window does work.

    Issue: Lair murals cannot be placed on endcaps due to being near the edge of the border -or- another lair chamber is behind it.

    1. Open the name change window of your lair then click OK (no change needed with the name): this will "reset" your lair.
    2. Then try to build your Lair Mural in your plannification window.
    3. Repeat opening/closing re-name window if end cap will still not take the mural.

  16. #76

    Default Re: Tips and Tricks! (Known player workarounds for bugs or other issues)

    Good thread!

    I'll add a couple minor ones that I used from time to time to get around annoying stuff

    When using the community plot survey window, the cursor turns into a double-headed arrow and won't change back.

    Close the plot survey window and then type /loadui. After a couple seconds, the cursor should revert to normal. You may have to move the cursor around to get it to revert.

    I crashed with my vault window open and when I logged back in it was still open, but my vault contents won't load.

    Close the vault window and log out. Log back in, keep your vault window closed, move out of range of the vaultkeeper and log out again. Log back in a second time, move back to the vaultkeeper and your vault window should work.

    I autojoin a channel and it is my default channel for chat. But when I talk in that channel, my chat goes to /say instead of that channel.

    After logging in, switch to another channel and then back again. This tells the game that your default channel is really your default channel.

  17. #77

    Default Re: Tips and Tricks! (Known player workarounds for bugs or other issues)

    Issue: I'm a dragon, but I'm getting a biped equipment window.

    Type /loadui.

    * snuffles curiously*
    [Visit The Order Underground]

  18. #78

    Default Re: Tips and Tricks! (Known player workarounds for bugs or other issues)

    Very cool thread!!

    Issue: I'm trying to sell my plot to community and it won't sell.
    Solution: Set plot to sell to a private player, then set it to sell to community and it will sell.
    Blacknite - Chaos

  19. #79

    Default Re: Tips and Tricks! (Known player workarounds for bugs or other issues)

    (lol! I can't believe I forgot about having to 'wake up' the chat windows. Amazing what all we do on a daily basis that would not be quite so instinctive for a new player!)

    Issue: My Vault quest is disabled. I have enough money, am at the right level and have not changed schools.

    Delete it and obtain a new one at the Tazoon bank.

  20. #80

    Default Re: Tips and Tricks! (Known player workarounds for bugs or other issues)

    Issue: I have lost connection while flying over water with a cargo disk, my disk is in the ocean.

    Disks can be "equipped" and "unequipped" and "put away" from the air. No need to risk drowning to get it.

    There is no Z-Axis for cargo disks. You can be 2000m in the air and still remove and add contents, equip, unequip, and put away a cargo disk, even through rock (such as a lair). If the disk is not a flying disk, you can go from 2000m to ground 0 really quick.
    Last edited by Justa Mirage; August 12th, 2008 at 08:41 PM.
    Justa Mirage: Ranger 100 / Healer 92 / Carpentry 100 / Confectioner 100 / Fletching 92 / Weaver 62 / Gatherer 34
    Flatspin: Ancient Lunus Dragon 100 / Craft 100 / Lairshaping 100

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