A heavily Istarianised version of the March of Cambreadth the tune of which might be familiar to any ren-faire or SCA goers out there. Just a bit of fun ^^

for comparison, the original lyrics can be found here; http://www.allthelyrics.com/lyrics/a...cs-164776.html

Sword blades flash, bow-strings sing,
Calling battle’s clamouring ring
The Aegis march upon the field,
Fight those bastards till they yield!
Living nightmare of blighted bone,
Fight to keep your life and home
Raise your voice to the blood red sky,
How Many of Them Can We Make Die!?

We stand as one, the brave and bold,
To make their rotten blood run cold
Fear no death; cowards we’re not,
A force like ours cannot be stopped
Open your heart to the rage and pain,
Fight until you meet your bane
Knock your bows and let them fly,
How Many of Them Can We Make Die!?

Guard you hearth and holdings well,
Let’s send these bastards back to hell!
We'll teach them well the ways of war,
And smash them till they are no more
Brace your shields and break their heads,
Fight till every one is dead!
Sound the charge and call the cry,
How Many of Them Can We Make Die!?

Their lines are broke, their time is done,
Gather arms and sound the drums
We’ll win this war and slay the foe,
A brotherhood of immortal souls
Fearsome foes of corpse and bone,
Now they’re weak and stand alone
Raise your banners, fly them high,
How Many of Them Can We Make Die!?