I was watching some Wolf's Rain episodes on my iPod Touch on YouTube right, and I decided to search for the username that posted them. The username was The Toonami Legacy and what the search found was tributes to that action cartoon block that had been running on Cartoon Network for the past 11 years. I watched a tribute and it made me realize how much I miss that cartoon block of awesomeness. Granted, the past few years of Toonami sucked for the most part, but back in the good ol' days it was the greatest thing ever! Why Cartoon Network?! WHY!!?? It was my childhood companion for ages! I remember watching Batman and Zoids and Sailor Moon and they even had Powerpuff Girls on there! That was back when they had it on weekdays. When they moved it to Saturday nights, I was like 'okay', but it was still there and still awesome. It had Samurai Jack and Megas XLR (has greatest opening theme song IMO), and moar Zoids (still my obsession). I never really watched Dragon Ball Z much, but it was always there. All those random Gundam shows too. Of course, the last few years of Toonami weren't quite what they used to be; Bobobo? wtf? In fact I stopped watching it every Saturday, but when I learned they canceled Toonami last September I couldn't believe it! And today I just kinda really missed my Toonami. :/ You will live on in my memories forever!

Like Toonami, the rest of TV has turned to absolute crap these past few years. More AND more commercials take up all the air time. Sometimes it's so bad you forget what you were even watching. I realized that, generally, TV shows are about 20 mins, the rest of the time is taken up by the most horrendously STUPID commercials EVER! I swear, my brain dies every time I sit through a Progressive or Geico or insert-random-car-company commercial. Some you can't even tell what the hell they're trying to sell!

And the stupidity doesn't stop there... no. It's leached into the actual shows! I hardly even watch TV anymore except for Bleach on Adult Swim. The shows nowadays I don't even bother with, there's no point to them. Have you seen any of the new cartoons they have out now? Garbage!! The last real gem, at least as far as cartoons go, was Avatar but now that series has finished. Now I'm convinced that the last really good era of TV has gone with the 90s. I watched TV a lot more than I played video games then. *sighs* I want my 90s TV back! TV today is nothing but a brain-killing pile of CRAP! Seriously W...T...F... Stop screwing around and start making TV good again!!

Okay... rant over.