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Thread: Where am I to mosey for me to encounter Wraiths?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Scotland/Unity/Where the shadows are thickest...

    Default Where am I to mosey for me to encounter Wraiths?

    'Ello, could someone beas kind as to tip me on the whereabouts of Wraiths? I'm just Dragon lost in the arduous trials of the Rite of Passage.

    I'm on the 'Solve the Hermit's Riddles' sub-quest to be exact - you might've guessed that - and I am in need to acquire the Ectoplasm item.

    I never actually knew exactly where the Wraiths were - so therefore, do not know what level they are either - even before the major update - well I did, they were in the Western Deadlands but I couldn't pinpoint their exact location - so I'll need some kind soul to supply me with some co-ordinates. Apparently I heard they're still there, but all I can find from 'hugging' the perimeters are level 75+ mobsthat areanything but them.

    I can'nae think of anything witty to type right now... give me a while more.
    (I don't don't have Photoshop like you might do.)

  2. #2
    Rashir Ajah

    Default Re: Where am I to mosey for me to encounter Wraiths?

    Wraiths are now boss monsters, are are always found leading a group of undead from the area. I have seen wraiths in the north deadlands (41-60), west deadlands (61-80), and Satyr islands (81-100) I've killed a number of them and have yet to find an ectoplasm... it may either be rare, or accidentally left out. On a side note, wraiths seem to have an extremely high chance (1:2 I'd say) of dropping a hoardable item such as a platinum crown or sceptre or whatnot. I hope that helps.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Where am I to mosey for me to encounter Wraiths?

    The Dead Pool for tier II wraiths. Also, like the rest of the new undead, wraith taskmasters / lords / overlords / whatnot occur only on levels that are multiples of 5.

    edit: Ah, yes, I forgot to mention earlier, but the eastern deadlands, obviously, hold tier VI wraith overlords, or levels 105, 110, 115 and 120. They're pretty nasty encounters, that with their guard groups.

    Dragon adventurer 100 | Dragon crafter 100 | Dragon lairshaper 84

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Scotland/Unity/Where the shadows are thickest...

    Default Re: Where am I to mosey for me to encounter Wraiths?

    Ah I see, thank you very much. I actually know of the Dead Pool ones from scouting about today but I only ever encountered two at a time - there's also the fact it's rather densely populated for such a small space.

    I was hoping there would be singular ones elsewhere like before, oh well that can't be helped, looks like I'm going to have to stick to the Dead Pool ones.

    Thanks again! ^^

    I can'nae think of anything witty to type right now... give me a while more.
    (I don't don't have Photoshop like you might do.)

  5. #5

    Default Re: Where am I to mosey for me to encounter Wraiths?

    Re the Dead Pool: Myself andtwo tankswent there last night to help a RoP candidate with the wraith slime. Talk about a meeting engagement! We killed HUNDREDS of mobs and dozens of wraiths. Coin, tech materials, gold coffers and silver scepters were lying all about....

    ....But not one lousy drop of wraith ectoplasm.

    I suspect the Dead Pool isn't where we need to go.

    "I feel like a fugitive from the Law of Averages."

  6. #6

    Default Re: Where am I to mosey for me to encounter Wraiths?

    Just adding here since I know this issue has been fixed... but if someone comes along reading for the answer. :)

    I can confirm that Wraith Ectoplasm drops off of wraith overseers from the western deadlands. The rate seems to be fair as in around 12 wraiths a group got two.. (Mind you, We killed 10 before we got 1!).

    So they definitely drop there. If they also drop from other types of wraiths I do not know at this time.


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