Come check out Padraig by taking the Harmony guild teleport from Bristugo then head NE to the next town. Padraig has 7 plots main one is 80x50 there are two that are 33x25 two that are 25x50 and one that is 25x25. Every machine that you can build is there as well as 2 T2 guildhouses 13 silos a saris manor and a saris general store with a consigner and pawnbroker. Some have left and the rest are going to share one plot elsewhere, but access to all plots for transfer is available. So, grab your friends and make a guild or talk with your guild about owning a town on Saritova Island to be close to T5 resources:) Bid here all week with bidding ending Friday at 8:00 PM PST Plan to take over the town on Saturday 12:00 noon PST.