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Thread: 'Game feedback' bug

  1. #1

    Default 'Game feedback' bug

    Hey all, sorry for the long post but I want to be comprehensive. I'm hoping someone might have suggestions as to how I can fix this bug I am currently experiencing. I do have an ongoing support ticket, and the devs are being helpful, just wondered if anyone has ideas..

    I have stopped receiving most, but not all 'game feedback' messages on my main char (Chaos server). This has been going on for about a week now, recent server maintenance didn't fix it like I thought it might. It's only the one char (my main as luck would have it) who is affected, my alts are fine.

    Before anyone asks, 'Game feedback' and 'Global' are both enabled in chat settings.

    Examples of problem:

    You have gathered x amount of resource - I DO get this message.
    You have gained x amount of experience - I DO get this message.
    Construction limited to x due to level gain - I DON'T get this message.
    Target is x meters out of range - I DON'T get this message.
    Speed reduced by x percent due to overburdening - I DON'T get this message.
    Your cargo disk is now on the ground at your loc - I DON'T get this message.
    Gear unequipped because you no longer meet the reqs - I DON'T get this message.

    I could go on, but suffice to say just about the only game feedback messages I get anymore are gathering spam and xp spam.

    Things I have tried:

    - New chat tab with only game feedback enabled.
    - New chat window with everything enabled.
    - Multiple full scans and cache clearouts.
    - Deleting entire prefs folder for character in question
    - A complete reinstall of the game from scratch.

    I also had a trusted friend login the affected char on his system, and the problem manifested for him too.

    Any thoughts or suggestions welcome. It's a royal pain playing like this, especially when having to manually calculate how many resources to delete to get rid of overburdening.



  2. #2

    Default Re: 'Game feedback' bug

    Well, this problem has been solved, and props to Velea and Yfelvik for figuring out the cause. I never would have got it in a million years.

    I thought I'd post the solution here, partly in case it happens to anyone else, but mainly so you can all have a good laugh at my expense

    It seems that somehow (Don't ask me how, I have no idea) I had managed to add myself to my own ignore list

    So all that game feedback I wasn't getting anymore, was me, talking to myself, and then subsequently ignoring anything I had to say to myself

    Got to be a candidate for funniest bug ever

    See you in game


  3. #3

    Default Re: 'Game feedback' bug

    Hahah! That's great! Well, not great that you had issues, but yeah... I would have NEVER thought about that!

    Thanks for sharing that solution! Glad you got it fixed!

  4. #4

    Default Re: 'Game feedback' bug

    Just for Horatio's sanity and sake...

    He was not the only one who had done this. There was actually a list of people on all servers who were ignoring themselves.

    (And man I've had days where I wish I could ignore myself!)

    A temporary solution has been put in where people who try to ignore themselves can only do so short term. We'll be working on fixing the problem more long term but that will require changing the code and figuring out some clever feedback message that tells someone when they try to ignore themselves.

  5. #5

    Default Re: 'Game feedback' bug

    As to how it happened..

    The only thing I can think of, is that sometimes when I start chatting it doesn't take, and I look up at the screen to discover I've opened a dozen or so windows, locked the camera and a multitude of other stuff.

    Could I have somehow hit a keyboard shortcut and ignored myself?

  6. #6

    Default Re: 'Game feedback' bug

    I don't see any hot key to ignore someone in my options section and you can't right click on yourself. Maybe this is one of those instances where the server (for one rason or another) just does something? Kinda like when an item is gone from your inventory, but reappears next maintenance day or something.

  7. #7

    Default Re: 'Game feedback' bug

    Quote Originally Posted by Horatio View Post
    As to how it happened..

    The only thing I can think of, is that sometimes when I start chatting it doesn't take, and I look up at the screen to discover I've opened a dozen or so windows, locked the camera and a multitude of other stuff.

    Could I have somehow hit a keyboard shortcut and ignored myself?
    This goes to a 'problem' (not an actual bug) that exists in game for me, as well, and something I posted about months ago here.

    I STILL - to this day - occasionally spam myself with multiple chat windows and unwanted changes to my UI

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