((About Azu: A hatchling who, through addiction to crystals, ends up having the ability to absorb knowledge of crystals. Subsequently, the blight reesidue present in crystals found on undead also proved she could eat the memories attached to blight and over time came to become an expert connoseur of consuming undead minds. Especially mages. In this fashion the hatchling who has limited capacity to learn anything outside these methods gains intelligence and expands her abilities and spellbook.

This unfortunately makes this character hard to play, as azu has gone the path of evil. Not just any evil, but the evil you could expect from a super villian from james bond or comic books, or even from D&D's chromatic dragons. This is not the bully and kill maim and burn everything you touch evil. This is the devious, scheming, plotting sort who would ponder for days how to start a war between two peaceful nations, try to make your mother believe she isnt your mother, and attack you at any weak points that may come to light.

Please keep in mind before posting that I am aware people may not enjoy taking part in the plots, and as always out of courtesy I always ask if they wish to participate beforehand, or go if they invite me, knowing well that they may have it in for them. If the other party is not in agreeance, I do not step forward.

This thread will document any evil plans that come to light for your reading pleasure. Thank you to all who have played with me, it was hard, but fun.

I present to you a prologue of why a previously decent hatchling has slowly fallen first, to be continued with the first plot.))

"The insane, on occasion, are not without their charms"
-- Kurt Vonnet Jr.

Azu sat reclining at the shrine in new trismus. Looking around, she saw the sun was shining, the grass was green, the birds were singing and the insects buzzing about from plant to plant. Everything was so clean, pristine, and bright in contrast to where she had been for some time.. the blood red hatchling had either been camping in a deadland, turning the local residents into ashes and eating their mostly useless memoirs of life, or living inside her vault, perched upon her crystalline hoard (also now dust. The lack of crystals to consume made her go outside for a change).

Her mind had been previously harder to organize. Normally up till that point she could just forget the memories she no longer needed, attached to a sickening fog she would exhale. The voices of memories became more blurred, many talking at a time, many minds colliding and grinding together in one head. And at any given time, she could only listen to one.

For example, weeks ago, watching a cloud drift by, one voice noted "I hate clouds", while others chimed in simultaneousy "ooh, looks like rain!", "white, fluffy..", "block out the sun", "not bright enough outside", "too bright outside", "where's my sandwich...?"

She simply found herself only a few days ago with a foggy mind, everything suddenly silenced, everything imploded together, melded, became a new overmind, which now was Azu's own again.

Sadly, when you fill and create a mind with blighted memoirs and corrupted intentions, you simply cannot think straight.

(to be continued below)