LOL yea it use to be on Monday nights before CSI: Miami (and before Miami got moved). It was on Monday Nights after 2 1/2 men actually, because when it started it was using 2 1/2 men audience to launch the show. So the Monday CBS comedy line up was golden.

But once it became its own hit (and it was a number 1 show for that slot), CBS moved it over to Thursday to try and launch a Thursday night comedy lineup - attempting to launch BLEEP My dad Says (with Shatner, so you see the audience appeal to stay tuned after Big Bang THeory lol). And in its place after 2 1/2 men they put "Mike and Molly" the new show they were trying to launch.

I know its fallen a bit in ratings since they moved it to Thursday. Thursday is a BIG competition night across the channels, I hated that they moved it because Monday Night on CBS use to be awesome. ANd now instead of one solid night of awesome its 2 nights of "one good show, the rest crap" lol. After having watched BLEEP my Dad says - shatner can't save that show, its pretty predictable/awful even for a sitcom (and to me that says a lot lol). So now its trying to hold its own all by itself on THursday night up against hour long dramas and has lost ground.

Stupid CBS. Ruined a good thing! Too bad noone ever asks me..I'm brilliant at this! LOL

Anyway yes. I thought Glau was who I was thinking it was. Sorry I just don't see her as all that. OOOH..bits and pieces of a martial arts over several months...sorry that's not impressive. Awesome she did her own stunts, but I can think of dozens of actors and actresses who do the same thing yet nerds dont seem to go gaga over those others. So I don't get the whole "OOOOH ITS GLAAUUUU" thing.

But then I'm not a Whedon fan, nor am I into Firefly.

I know, I'm a nerd and yet I dont' care for such things. Its blasphemy to most! LOL

But her episode was still funny. However, I felt the George Takai episdoe was way more hilarious!