Quote Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
Wow, that's a lot of code for a small task! The meat of the program is only a dozen lines or so. The rest is to handle the GUI... but that's Windows for you.
Yeah, it is. xD But funnily enough once I understood the workings of the Windows API this one was easier to write since I don't have to do string format checking and other such things that I had to do in the previous one (invalid characters, existance of file paths, etc.) since the Windows API essentially does that for me. The code in AWC_Win&Dialog is a set of classes (not all of them are included) I wrote for the purpose of reusing, it wasn't written specifically for this.

Quote Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
Nice job with the C++. Keep coding things to keep your mind sharp!
Thank you. I'm always looking for criticism in my code, if anything caught your eye. I try to judge my code as critically as possible but lack of professional expeirence (or training, for that matter) surely puts a damper on my ability to be critical about my code.