In our ongoing effort to reduce grind and improve the game we'd like to run an idea past you. Currently, when you fight some types of monsters you have a chance to loot Techniques and Formulas. This chance is fairly low because they are treated as rare loot.

The situation this creates is one in which players have to grind in order to find specific formulas or techs for a tier. Or, they have to beg from other players to grind it for them.

A potential solution we'd like to run past you is this:

1) Create "Chests" that are tied to categories of Formulas/Techs. So, Tier4 Weapon Formula Chest, Tier2 Spell Formula Chest, Tier3 Spell Technique Chest, and so forth.

2) Replace direct drops of Forms/Techs on mobs with these Chests.

3) Chests would be tradeable.

4) When you right-click on them they would be consumed and you would get a Formula/Technique of that type and tier.

Anticipated Pros:
- Adventurers would no longer end up with tons of worthless formulas or techniques that they simply pawn or delete.
- Crafters wouldn't necessarily have to grind for specific formulas, they could purchase these Chests from other players and have a greater chance of getting the form/tech they are looking for. i.e. your odds are greater of getting that specific spell form you want if the "chest" only draws from spell formulas.
- Less time would have to be spent by everyone grinding repeatedly.
- Fewer stacks in your inventory/plots/vaults because you could have Chests instead of the forms/techs.

Anticipated Cons:
- If you are the player doing both adventure/crafting and looking for specific formulas you will still have the same odds as you do now of getting the one you want.
- May be others here (beyond the work required by the dev team), but I can't think of them.

We welcome your feedback, questions, and suggestions on this.