
I can honestly say I've never had such a hard time installing a game than until now, with the new Elder Scrolls game Skyrim.

After getting past numerous "Server Busy" messages, the game then insists on installing over the internet rather than off the dvd. A quick search of the internet reveals a way to force an install off the dvd, followed by another 5 or 6 restarts of Steam after it froze while trying to presumably "authorise" the installation.

Finally attempt number <who knows> and it connects successfully, then using the command line trick it actually uses the dvd, and not 5gb (or 7 hours of time) of my monthly broadband allowance.

Now it's installed, it's still downloading 240mb of patches ... and it's on day of release! Nearly 90 minutes after starting, and I've not played it yet. In an hour I have to sleep for an early shift tomorrow!

I don't dislike the idea of Steam ... it's a pretty good platform for games, but what in the hells is making this so hard? Could Bethesda not have made a more traditional installer, rather than going with Steam?

Rant over ... unless the game doesn't load.
