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Thread: Loading models, and the like!

  1. #1

    Default Loading models, and the like!

    Well, the title looks scary I'm sure. I hope it's not scary. The reason why I hope it's not scary, is because you're player base has already done it themselves!!!

    I'm just sorta asking that it be done officially so I don't need to dive into some files I really don't want to touch *Wink wink!* That and, so I don't go "OH CRIPES! Why'd my client blow up!" when you patch something in that doesn't really work with the mod

    Oh, right... The suggestion

    I'd like to see for those of us with high end machines, to be able to load models faster. Also, I'd rather have my high rez models show up further out from my character. I think my machine can handle it, but your engine is limiting it? It's like, my computer wants to and can go 100 miles safely, but there's a speed stoper at 25 miles So, ya! How much more do I need to explain? =)

    Just as an example, I've turned up ALL of the options I can find to max, and when another ancient stands next to my ancient? I can't see their high rez model until I zoom all the way in and turn my camera to them.

    It would also, of course, be nice if my teeth and tongue were proper colors as well as talons

  2. #2

    Default Re: Loading models, and the like!

    Supporting the model loading suggestion.

    Solitaire's mouth/teeth/horns/claws mod is pretty good, but for some reason I'm not 100% sure about it being made default.
    "Ohoh...someone is actually trying to sell something, I see an attunement coming. LOL" - Teto Frum

  3. #3

    Default Re: Loading models, and the like!

    It could be a check box to use one texture set or the other in the options, perhaps... but again, I don't know how their system works. =(

  4. #4

    Default Re: Loading models, and the like!

    Quote Originally Posted by Chioxin View Post
    I'm just sorta asking that it be done officially so I don't need to dive into some files I really don't want to touch *Wink wink!* That and, so I don't go "OH CRIPES! Why'd my client blow up!" when you patch something in that doesn't really work with the mod
    I know this doesn't have anything to do with your suggestion, but I wanted to reassure you that adding mods to your game really isn't as hard as one might think. Really, it just as simple as downloading the mod, locating the resources_override folder(if you can find your screenshot folder you can find this), and unzipping the files into the folder. Once you get a hang of it, it only takes a mere few seconds to add a mod.

    Where problems may occur is when you have MANY many mods, created by various players at different points in time. Usually the case is two or more different mods both share a file with the SAME name-but are modified differently. So that filexxxx has been modified to A, and another filexxx has been modified to B. Needless to say, if you have two files with the same name inside the resources_override folder, this can cause problems because the game doesn't know which one to load.

    There are also cases where mods can become obsolete, because the devs patch in a change that contains a new bit of coding into a file that your old mod doesn't have.

    In both cases, the easiest way to know if you have a conflict problem with your mods is to simply remove all the modded files from your resources_override folder out into another location temporarily (like your desktop). If you start up the game, and the problem goes away, then you know you have a bad modded file (then it just a case of figuring out which one it is).

    I lurk within the depths of your mind, for I am INSANITY!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Loading models, and the like!

    I understand, I really do, honestly.

    And someone pointed me to how to do it and I've done it. However, I do feel like my "Istaria" files are "polluted" in some way. I don't understand how they work, I just did what I was told

    It honestly comes from... I hate keeping mods up to date. When something changes in game due to Dev's, there's a potential for problems is there not? I like running things "clean" and don't like messing with the files. Even in WoW, I loathed mods.

    Also, for something like "Getting the models to load in faster? I'd think they'd want that to happen, mostly to keep new players attracted to the game who know nothing OF the mods! It must suck to walk into New Trismus on a nice computer, get to the town... and see a bunch of puke textures and low poly models? You then find out they are the iconic race of the game, dragons! SO UGLY! A new player who doesn't visit the forums or care enough to invest time modifying it, may very well just say "This is poo, bai!"

    I'd say that most people, are not up to that level of "Wanting to keep their mods in check." Most people, want to install a game and have it work properly. They don't want to think about tinkering with it, removing files and adding them in slowly to "Debug" the problem.


    If not for my sake of wanting to keep my files pure... Do it to help keep new players here? =) Presentation of your game matters. Even TERRIBLE games sell incredibly well... because they presented their game very well. Horizons doesn't make box sales anymore, it relies on subscriptions.
    Last edited by Chioxin; February 9th, 2012 at 04:55 AM.

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