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Thread: Talk to the Team: Blighted Items

  1. #21

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Blighted Items

    increase both the positive and negative bonuses...

  2. #22
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Don't worry it'll change in 5 minutes.

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Blighted Items

    The only reasons I don't ever use blighted items are:

    1. The chance to get a decent item is about a one in 10000000000000
    2. Any decent item will be completely depleted if it is used the way a crafted item is
    3. Crafted items have a guarantee of a good bonus and are guaranteed never to fail

    Istara's Chosen Guildmaster
    Experienced Hunter, Healer, and Grand Master Crafter

  3. #23

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Blighted Items

    We had a brainstorming session last night and I wanted to pass along some thoughts we had regarding Blighted items.

    1) Ensure that all Recharge Kits are for-sale on vendors
    2) Remove the maximum charge reduction
    3) Consider making new effects for Blighted Items using "Item Sets" (Items that when combined with other matching items gain additional bonuses)
    4) (Obviously) Finish implementing the formulas for the remainder of the Blighted Items so that they can be deconstructed/created
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

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    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  4. #24

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Blighted Items

    Nice. I think the blighted items could become something desired, with some tweaking.

    I wonder though about the formulas. as it is, I know my biped has run out of formula space, and has started deleting the beginner blighted items forms. Would it be possible to combine the beginner into the blighted jman forms? and combine the beginner and jman into the expert blighted forms? Like was done years ago with regular forms?

    If that could happen, I could reduce the number of scribed formulas on my characters. If you plan on making more blighted forms, as they currently are, there's no way I could come close to scribing all of them (even for say a single craft school).

  5. #25

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Blighted Items

    Speaking as a novice reaching the point where level 21 Sslanis gear isn't the greatest any more I would say the proposed updates to Blighted gear sound pretty good. One thing I found was that trying to flip two armor recharge kits between alts through a vendor, they vanished. A jewelry recharge one went through, but two armor ones that were hard to find seemed to fail to list. Gear decay is fine, but the "maximum charge reduction" which would eventually snuff the item makes it hugely unappealing.

    A set bonus could be the right way to steer the stats in your favor. It should be a small set though. Wouldn't want to see blighted overtake crafting, but a feasible chance of getting a few useful items you could keep for a while would certainly be an improvement of the current state where the items really are not much good, and as far as deconstructing...I could actually do that on about 2 out of 12 pieces I found, which again tells you that out of 12 items, none were useful even to a lower level alt.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Blighted Items

    One of the things that occurs to me whenever dealing with blighted items is that we're meant to be fighting the Withered Aegis and driving back the blight. Blight is considered undesirable on the lands of Aradoth, and while 4 schools have blight skill (spiritist, shaman, reaver and blood mage) it could simply be argued that those schools are adept at handling the power of blight and turning it to good purposes.

    So blighted equipment turns up, and the Gifted are exposed to items from the enemy that have all sorts of weird and wonderful properties which makes sense given that most of the Gifted are unfamiliar with blight and are only interested in eliminating it. Strange mystical properties of blighted items won't make sense to someone not familiar with how the powers of blight manifest and react. The Gifted see benefits to using this equipment and while using it find detriments, unexpected side effects.

    Crimson Scourge jewellery was a big thing a few years ago, not only did it have some good bonuses for statistics but it also came with a bite - typically reduced healing ability and a blight DoT applied to the wearer. We had giggles with some of us equipping full sets of Crimson Scourge jewellery and killing ourselves when we couldn't out-heal the DoTs at lower levels. Despite the drawbacks, Crimson Scourge jewellery was sought-after because the benefits outweighed the drawbacks at certain points in character advancement.

    I'm thinking blighted equipment should carry a similar bite... Forget about the reduced healing - that part wasn't so fun. The DoT was interesting though. Maybe something like the effects proc'd by the Ceremonial Shield and scale, DoTs that occasionally hit the wearer while in combat, not listed on the description of the item. It spices things up and there could be some battles where the wearer is lucky and not affected by any self-inflicted DoTs, other battles where the wearer is hit by several DoTs in quick succession and then has to decide if staying in combat is the right thing to do or if they should make a run for it.

    One last thing as a suggestion for blighted equipment - how about formulas that allow us to take a blighted item and using special item drops we can cleanse or harness the blighted properties to make a version of the blighted equipment that does not have as many negative properties, a more desirable version of the same gear? The item drops could be suitably rare, or quest rewards to restrict numbers ending up in circulation.

    Those are my thoughts on blighted items. I enjoy the variety and I look forward to seeing what comes of any revamps to blighted equipment.

  7. #27

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Blighted Items

    As a skill, I thought Blight was Istarian for what would be called poison, disease, or physical in other games, whereas most Blighted gear has nothing to do with that. I wouldn't mind the occasional mystery DoT--heck, I can't really tell when crystal damage procs--but a trove of useless items that won't deconstruct seems like a waste of database.

  8. #28

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Blighted Items

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzael View Post
    Crimson Scourge jewellery was a big thing a few years ago, not only did it have some good bonuses for statistics but it also came with a bite - typically reduced healing ability and a blight DoT applied to the wearer. We had giggles with some of us equipping full sets of Crimson Scourge jewellery and killing ourselves when we couldn't out-heal the DoTs at lower levels. Despite the drawbacks, Crimson Scourge jewellery was sought-after because the benefits outweighed the drawbacks at certain points in character advancement.
    One of the big initial draws to crimson scourge jwl was that the dot it put on you would break mezzes. So just having one piece on could be useful. Dev's fixed that years ago though, then it became mostly junk except for the very top end necklace that could drop. Which is now far outperformed by the t6 jewelry.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzael View Post
    I'm thinking blighted equipment should carry a similar bite... Forget about the reduced healing - that part wasn't so fun. The DoT was interesting though. Maybe something like the effects proc'd by the Ceremonial Shield and scale, DoTs that occasionally hit the wearer while in combat, not listed on the description of the item. It spices things up and there could be some battles where the wearer is lucky and not affected by any self-inflicted DoTs, other battles where the wearer is hit by several DoTs in quick succession and then has to decide if staying in combat is the right thing to do or if they should make a run for it.
    Well, most of them already have a mix of positive and negative effects. And some pieces can have a chance to land a dot (life leak) that applies either to the target, or the wearer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzael View Post
    One last thing as a suggestion for blighted equipment - how about formulas that allow us to take a blighted item and using special item drops we can cleanse or harness the blighted properties to make a version of the blighted equipment that does not have as many negative properties, a more desirable version of the same gear? The item drops could be suitably rare, or quest rewards to restrict numbers ending up in circulation.
    A way to remove the negatives could be useful. but it might defeat the purpose/lore of it being "blighted". I suppose we could "cleanse" it somehow. If they just tweaked those effect groupings, maybe lessen the negatives, the gear might not be so bad. Basically as it is now, the items with un-needed skills (like getting +2 hand slash on a shield, which if equipped prevents using a 2 handed sword), or the big negative effects, or self harming effects, are considered the "junk" which is deconned for the blight cores, to become the "fuel" for the few actually useful blighted pieces you might find. So cleansing them might lead to a shortage of cores needed to make recharge kits, and/or too many "good" pieces.

    But, if they just tweak the effects some, having the majority being still junk wouldn't be a bad thing.

    I do like the idea of interesting effects being placed on them. We already have things like "Drunken stupor", "Converts damage to silver" (supposed to be good against werewolves), and other damage converters. But having chance to land dots or buffs I think could be fun.

  9. #29

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Blighted Items

    Just seeing the change of no reduction of maximum charges has made me much more interested in blighted items. Wanted to add my 2c:

    1. Would of course like to see implementation of all blighted formulas. It is a weird feeling to be able to get a full blighted padded set from mobs, but only bits and pieces from crafting.

    2. I thought I had read that this was implemented, but if not the idea of there being a low-low chance of getting higher positive stats without a negative in the opposite direction. That alone could make the lottery of blighted items incredibly worthwhile. (Basically the same as being able to remove the bad effects, but just keeping it random instead)

    3. As an addition to #2...I was going to ask for T6 blighted equipment, but instead, what if there were just "enhanced" versions of the existing blighted gear? What I mean is, T5 blighted stays as-is, then there is a "T6" blighted form that requires T6/T6-blighted resources on top of what is already required, and the perk of crafting these hard-to-create pieces is they draw from a more advanced/better overall technique table? So your "T6" Blighted Mithril form requires shining (or radiant!) blight cores, mithril bars, and blighted adamantium bars to create, but has a much higher chance of giving multiple (maybe even !4!) beneficial techniques? Their base stats could either be from the Mithril equivalent, or the "Priceless" T6 items. Absolutely just an idea, moreso than a request.

  10. #30

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Blighted Items

    How about deleting all blighted gear and forms and create Tech Kits of Blight that turns a crafted item into blighted one and adds special benefits and restrictions, would reduce the amount of forms a lot and gives a lot of new possibilities in item creation.
    Terao (Gnome, Grand Master Crafter, Order [Unity])|Draigourn (Ancient, Master Lairshaper, Lunus, Order)|Echentrial (Ancient, Lunus, Order)

  11. #31

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Blighted Items

    Quote Originally Posted by Terao View Post
    How about deleting all blighted gear and forms and create Tech Kits of Blight that turns a crafted item into blighted one and adds special benefits and restrictions, would reduce the amount of forms a lot and gives a lot of new possibilities in item creation.
    That's actually a great idea, free up 1300+ items off the loot table!
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  12. #32

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Blighted Items

    Quote Originally Posted by Cegaiel View Post
    That's actually a great idea, free up 1300+ items off the loot table!
    wait...there's really that much stuff in the loot tables related to blighted items? hot dang that'd free up space o.=.o
    yeah, I'd say go with the blighted kit idea! if possible with random outcome.

  13. #33

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Blighted Items

    Just some further thoughts on this. Tech resources could drop from Undeads and Withered Aegis (there are a lot of old ones that could be reactivated for this). The item name the tech kit is applied to will change to "Blighted <item name>". The blighted item will deplete and need a recharging kit every now an then (but the item will not break and the recharging repairs the item 100% each time used).

    Blighted Tech Kit of Resistance, Tier 1 up to Tier 6
    • Boon: adds twice the resistance of the regular tech
    • Restriction: adds a malus to the counterpart resistance

    Blighted Tech Kit of Ward, Tier 1 up to Tier 6
    • Boon: adds twice the ward of the regular tech
    • Restriction: adds a malus to the counterpart ward

    Blighted Tech Kit of Might, Tier 1 up to Tier 6
    • Boon: adds a damage boon related to the tech kit (slash/crush/pierce/tooth&claw)
    • Boon: reduces weapon delay
    • Boon: + attack skill
    • Restriction: lowers magic resists of ice/flame/energy/primal
    • Restriction: higher delay on spells

    Blighted Tech Kit of Magic, Tier 1 up to Tier 6
    • Boon: adds a damage boon related to the tech kit (flame/ice/energy/nature/.../primal)
    • Boon: reduces spell delay
    • Boon: + attack skill
    • Restriction: lowers melee resists of slash/crush/pierce/tooth&claw
    • Restriction: higher delay on melee combat

    Blighted Tech Kit of Attribute, Tier 1 up to Tier 6
    • only two variants: with boon to Strength and Dexterity, the other with boon to Focus and Power
    • Boon: adds a boon double or even tripple of regular attribute tech
    • Restriction: adds a malus to the counterpart attributes

    And for sure there are a lot of other Tech Kits possible :)
    Terao (Gnome, Grand Master Crafter, Order [Unity])|Draigourn (Ancient, Master Lairshaper, Lunus, Order)|Echentrial (Ancient, Lunus, Order)

  14. #34

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Blighted Items

    Hmm, those sound just like the edible crystal effects... except for the Attribute one.

    But the general idea is sound.

    Perhaps start with the tech kit of attribute, and expand on it. So lets say +100 strength, +100 dex, -100 power, -100 focus, + a random buff or skill. Another for caster boosting with +100 power, +100 focus, -100 strength, -100 dex, + random buff/skill.

    The buff or skill slot is random, and could be something like +100 spirit ward, +100 2 hand slash, + 100 Nature. Pick one only, randomly, and can even have the value amount be also randomly chosen. So give this one a range of anywhere from say 90 to 150 for the tier 5 version, which is the top tier. Tier * (random fractional number in .2 increments, from 18 to 30. So 25.6 could be chosen, resulting in +128). So tier 1 can have values from 18 to 30, tier 2 36 to 60, tier 3 54 to 90, tier 4 72 to 120, tier 5 90 to 150. If it's determined to be too high, just lower the top number a bit.

    Limit one blighted tech per item, doesn't stack with any of the stats/skills listed on it. Only applicable to crafted items, causes item decay as per the original blighted gear, but not as quickly, and get rid of the cost to equip the items. Recharge kits would also need to be brought back. We have the forms to make blighted cores, this is what they will be useful for. Make the cores to make the recharge kits. Item eventually decays completely. But while it's good, it's really powerful. Seems a fair trade-off to me. Don't apply to epics or quest rewards like the Ceremonial Shield, since it's going to cause the item to decay. Should be able to get a few months (3 to 6) out of the gear before it decays completely. Timer only decrements while in combat, so if someone doesn't play for a month, no decay is taking place (just to clarify). Then just craft another, which really isn't all that difficult to do. Also would have a side effect of giving a bump to the comps market, and crafters should see more work too.

    The ones with skill boosting should only go in the same slots where that randomly chosen skill (the normal tech) can go. so if we get one with say +122 Spirit, would only go rings, bracers, gloves, staves (whichever slots can take Spirit V tech, can't recall all from memory). This way it's a somewhat limited selection, and it would make sense for them to go in the same slots that the normal skill tech can go. If you get a resist or ward one, it can apply on those equipment slots where the normal ward can go, but can't stack with other blighted kits of any type.

    I don't see any point the the +resist/-resist ones, since we get that effect already from the armor and resistance crystals crafted by Crystalshapers. But a kit with a grouping of effects that synergize together (+ str, + melee skill) is something players will find useful.

    Edit: And thinking about the randomly assigned slot for the buff or skill, it could also be any of the random effects the blighted weapons have, such as Drunken Stupor, Life Leak, a more powerful life leak effect that lands on the mobs, there's a whole bunch of those to pick from... Any of the original effects that only appeared on certain items, if found on a tech kit, restricts the kit to only be applied to that same item. So a kit with Quickbreath (-10% recycle or 20% recycle) would only apply to dragon headscales. Life leak on chest guard/chest scales only. Many of the other effects like Drunken Stupor or damage converters, were weapon only. So getting these extra effects should restrict the kit to being useable on a weapon only, and be a rare kit to find to begin with. Say 5 to 10%.

    Also, an extra slot could be only occasionally given (say 10% chance to get one) to get a damage converter effect. Some neat ones like Converts damage to Silver can only be found on blighted weapons. When a damage converter is randomly applied to the kit, it also restricts the kits' use to be applicable to weapons only.
    Last edited by Guaran; October 31st, 2015 at 04:18 PM.

  15. #35

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Blighted Items

    I would even be in favor of restricting these from the t6 dragon scales, since those are decently powerful in similiar fashion in their own right, and are already buffing multiple skills in some cases such as the tail. OR, allow these on the t6 scales, but only in a limited way. Allow a kit +100 armor (the randomly chosen stat) to go on pieces that have no armor value at all to begin with. Some kind of balance between whats already present, plus whats going to get buffed. Maybe allow a +power tech kit only on t6 scales with no power or focus.

    That could make for some interesting combinations. :)

    I might also be overthinking it, since the tech kits already have minuses....

  16. #36
    Join Date
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    Harro somewhere near Fafnir the Defiler

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Blighted Items

    Quote Originally Posted by Guaran View Post
    I would even be in favor of restricting these from the t6 dragon scales, since those are decently powerful in similiar fashion in their own right, and are already buffing multiple skills in some cases such as the tail. OR, allow these on the t6 scales, but only in a limited way. Allow a kit +100 armor (the randomly chosen stat) to go on pieces that have no armor value at all to begin with. Some kind of balance between whats already present, plus whats going to get buffed. Maybe allow a +power tech kit only on t6 scales with no power or focus.

    That could make for some interesting combinations. :)

    I might also be overthinking it, since the tech kits already have minuses....
    I agree with guaran you are already restricted on what you can place on certain pieces of priceless scales do to the stats that are on their default. It should be kind of the same for tech kits too, balance is needed. Not too weak and not too powerful.

  17. #37

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Blighted Items

    Could we apply multiple blighted kits? or combination of blighted kit,quested kit,sockets? title for blighted kit (in item name) could be for example "Tainted Battle-Forged Socketed ....".

    To craft a blighted tech kit,use essence blight cores so they are still in use,undead core (those are easy enough to get) and essence orb. or just 1st and 3rd works too. Dividing blighted tech kits into resistances+ward,attribute,skil and special effects (reduced delay/cooldowns/dots/% chance to do 200% damage etc) sounds great too. less randomized items.

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  18. #38

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Blighted Items

    Personally, I'd like to keep them fully random, just at least add in all of the formulas, and maybe make a low, low chance of getting a positive with no negative.

    Reason for this: With blighted kits, I think people would only ever use them on a few parts, and then only 1. For example, if I crafted a sword, used a blight tech kit on it, and it made the sword do life damage - I'd never apply another blight kit to it. The next tech might give me deadly poison on myself with an 11% chance on each hit - not going to risk getting a bad tech the next time around.

    If this is the case, the only time people would use blighted tech kits would be once on a weapon to get a good effect, then use tech kits to fill in the rest/sockets, or maybe on boots/chest (for biped). Everything else you can't really add technique kits/sockets to after crafting, so if you made, say, a cape if you got one good tech you would probably just leave the other 2 slots empty. Why risk it, and you can't add other techniques on after it has been crafted (and I'm assuming no one is going to use 400 of each tech resource to craft a cape with +20/+20 of something, and then apply blight kits to all of them, just in the off chance one of them comes out to be something slightly better than filling in that last slot with a +20)

    I feel like that is what would happen if blight tech kits were introduced, and that is why I don't particularly like the idea...but that is just my 2c.


  19. #39

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Blighted Items

    The kits we were proposing would have random stats on them. The randomness happens at the time of the kits' creation, not at the time of application to an item. So you know ahead of time what you are applying to something.

    Once a kit was applied, another Blighted kit could not be applied.

    Most of the blighted kits created would be junk, due to the randomness. But once in awhile you get a nice one. The stat grouping I suggested was to steer the kits closer to being useable/desireable. As they are now, maybe 1 in 1000 blighted items (found when hunting) is worth using, and maybe 1 in 200 crafted blighted items is worth using (these are better chance since you are crafting the item slot you are looking for, vs just total randomness of dropped items which could be anything). And these estimates might be generous... Practically no armor or scales I've found were worthwhile. If the quickbreath effect worked, then I would have a few headscales out of more than 4k scales found, that were good. I know how many items I've found because I deconned them all and still have the cores. Though these days about 1/3 to 1/2 of the blighted drops cannot even be deconned, and they go in the hoard. There has to be something done to get the blighted gear closer to being something useable, its 99% junk right now.

  20. #40

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Blighted Items

    Quote Originally Posted by Guaran View Post
    The kits we were proposing would have random stats on them. The randomness happens at the time of the kits' creation, not at the time of application to an item. So you know ahead of time what you are applying to something.

    Once a kit was applied, another Blighted kit could not be applied.

    Most of the blighted kits created would be junk, due to the randomness. But once in awhile you get a nice one. The stat grouping I suggested was to steer the kits closer to being useable/desireable. As they are now, maybe 1 in 1000 blighted items (found when hunting) is worth using, and maybe 1 in 200 crafted blighted items is worth using (these are better chance since you are crafting the item slot you are looking for, vs just total randomness of dropped items which could be anything). And these estimates might be generous... Practically no armor or scales I've found were worthwhile. If the quickbreath effect worked, then I would have a few headscales out of more than 4k scales found, that were good. I know how many items I've found because I deconned them all and still have the cores. Though these days about 1/3 to 1/2 of the blighted drops cannot even be deconned, and they go in the hoard. There has to be something done to get the blighted gear closer to being something useable, its 99% junk right now.
    Thats why you roll a dice and hope for the best, I love the Blighted RNG stats XD those that are useful i Keep in my treasurey, till i give em to domeone. Also i love the Chance of.. 150 Strength weapon but it decreeses Dex by 150. Those items i love since a player would be Hmm.. i dont use Dex, sooo.. and they get in an arguement with there brain.. Leave the RNG in it. Please.
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