C'mon Amon, it's "talk to the team", not "give a yay or nay and then stop the discussion"! We're open to ideas, everyone is - just some of us are less open than others. ;)

Also to add onto my prior idea, there could also be quests that require you to be lunus or helian to get certain abilities to complement the rift in the lore, but also give more specialization.
Unfortunately that's tough for people who are mixes, so maybe there could be quests added in such as "prove yourself to the helian faction" or vice versa to get some of the abilities that your mix can use but not all.
(Personally I like the lunus/helian devide but it makes me sad that it's not very pronounced, but I'm probably kind of alone on that. Not many people like the split as I've seen, surprisingly.)

Also Guaran, we have a spin-flame move!...if you spin your character around with 'Breath of Fire' and pretend it hits all the enemies. ;)