Anyone know why Blessing of Istara was moved from a hour long buff to being 1m duration on a 1:30 recycle?

Used to play KNOC last year quite a bit, and remember Blessing of Istara being comparable to Shimmer Field from BTLM except that it was not masterable. Now I see that it's only 1m duration, so you're forced to hit it every minute thirty with thirty seconds of downtime to upkeep it. Shimmer Field is still one hour duration and is masterable.

Anyone know? Tickets have fallen on deaf ears, only confirming that this was indeed intended and not a bug (the duration).



I love how the description says "lasting" still. 1 minute is not lasting. That's a rotation.

There has to be at least one other KNOC out there who has noticed this.

Oh and Banish Armor is still broken... has been since the nerf oh so long ago. </3