Let it be known that on the eve of May the 25th, 2015, I have finally Ascended to Ancient Dragon!

(That's me, the short one second from the right! )

It's been a long, amazing ride since 2005, and it seems fitting that this is the year of my 10th anniversary playing. So many friends and memories!

Huge thanks to Ryzaak, Leeif, Alaysar, and Nykara for the Rift run and epic boss fights! There was great fun and cookies! And my gratitude to those who came to attend my "explosion." Everyone has been incredibly supportive, even with things as simple as cheering me on as I fluttered back and forth on ARoP errands. It's only with the help of guild and friends that I've come this far.

Thanks for a great ten years, Order folks. Here's looking forward to more.

An Ancient Dragon's worth of love,