Don't know how or why it was available all of a sudden, but I FINALLY acquired the large plot on Trandalar: Valley of Repose...

In accordance with a previous post I made on the subject, I have acquired a year-long subscription to maintain this plot that I have desired for so very long...

Now the question or questions:

1) Is there a way to do with biped plots that was done with lairs? Specifically showing the completed structures versus the incomplete structures? This will make planning so much easier if it is possible.

2) I want to make this a 'Dream' Plot that people will come gather around - is this a location people will be interested in visiting, meetings, gatherings, etc?

My 'Grand' Plan:
Industrial Zone: Includes all Expert Shops, maybe some silos (There need is much lower now thanks to the changes) and perhaps incorporate the expert level (T6/3 NPC) Vault in this zone.

Food Court: Includes the Expert Confectioner Shop and a Tavern with a little park

Residential Zone: Self-Explanatory

Park Zone: A place to sit back relax and unwind, may be part/extension of the Food Court.

Yes...while planning might take a week or more*, the actual construction is going to take much more; but again hopefully something to show off and perhaps bring others to this scenic little valley.


*Having had eye surgery for a detached retina late last week, I'm finding things a bit more difficult to perform using only one eye. I didn't expect it to make much of a difference, but it is amazing how much I relied on even a poorly performing eye before the planning might take longer than expected and the reason I'm asking about the ability to have my client show completed structures after being placed/planned.