Greetings everyone.
This is the update thread for Istaria Lexica. Lexicans will post site-related updates here to inform the community. You are invited to have a talk in this thread, as long as it is site related and does not end up in flames or pointless debates. If you feel the urge to loose some frustration I'd encourage you to use the proper boards: 'Just Ranting' or 'Rant Istaria Style'.

Updates on Istaria Lexica, August 14th, 2015

Content updates:
  • General: All of the pictures (4500+) have been heavily optimized to enhance the loading time of the site.
  • General: Added reference footers to 11119 pages. This ensures to stay license conform on our third party content.
  • Buildings: Residential, Commercial and Industrial flags have been updated and there are lists by zone type available now.
  • Creatures: A new Loot List for creatures has been established. This should make it easier for Lexicans to add loot to creatures and fixed a few buggy behaviors. In parallel, some pre-filled templates were added to add certain loot-types (like Tier 1 hoard loot, Tier 6 broken items,...) with just one small call. This saves hopefully alot of time on editing.
  • Creatures: Changed the template behavior for the creature summary. Resources shown have become searchable which results in a sortable list for our readers.
  • Items: Added all missing (211) broken item components. They need to get linked to the formulas still, though.
  • Items: Added tons of missing technique resource details like screenshots, description, links to monsters the are dropped off, link to techniques, and so on. All in all these were around 1000 pages.
  • Delta276: Tier 4 and Tier 5 crafting boons were added. The lower boons were updated while on that mission, too.
  • Delta276: Added new bonus infos to the updated emblems
  • Delta277: Renamed some articles to fit with the delta changes
  • Lore: A few lore pages and NPC dialogue texts have been added

Site updates:
  • Added a scheduled script doing a cache-purge for each edited page. It runs every two minutes and acts as a workaround for a Semantic Mediawiki problem, where dynamic tables do not update their view when a contained page result was changed. The script is still in testing, if you still find weird results in articles using SMW tables, please let me know.
  • Added APC to the site. The tool caches certain site parts so browsing should become a bit faster.
  • Added Extension:Arrays to the site, which lets editors use -programmatic like- array functions in WikiEditor
  • Added Extension:CreateBox to have a direct and easy to use page creation link on Istaria Lexica's main menu.
  • Added Extension:DynamicPageList, which is a pretty good alternative to Semantic Mediawiki. It offers Lexicans advanced research options when looking for certain sets of pages and enlisting those in their article.
  • Added Extension:LabeledSectionTransclusion. This enables Lexicans to show a selected section of another article in their own article. Already actively used on the New Page templates' documentation pages.
  • Added Extension:YouTube, so that Lexicans are able to add YouTube videos via WikiEditor. Example can be found on the main page (thank you Racktor!).