lov, i have a prog that automatically videos my gameplay. i am no video artist, but i use the footage in my blogs. i was blogging about the winter event, and posted the part of the movie where i explore your frostwatch plot.
one of my fb friends is an old player who can't game anymore - she was aine, among others, on blight - watched the vid and had this to comment:

I full-screened this, and what with the rear view of a sweet green draggy and the sounds of the howls, wind and footfalls, it felt as if it was Aine there exploring Lov's plot! Now I am SO homesick! Please tell Lov I enjoyed this tour and find the Ice Dragon sculpture to be amazing! (Sheesh, I almost cried at the message chirps, even. I wish I had time for this again.)

(for those interested, the video itself is here. warning, it is 35 minutes long........)