Introducing... the Dalimond Archives!

What is this?
This is a brand new Wikia customized from the ground up for the sheer purpose of giving everyone in the game a place to write about their characters and reference it in the future. Think of it as the Istaria Lexica or the Istaria Wikia but for characters and rp!

It's also meant to serve as a central information database for everything related to the accepted player lore that has come up over the years to fill the gaps of the world. The concept of fading and the specifics of the clearing can finally be written down and collaborated on to give anyone who is interested a basis for their ideas.

Why do we need this?
I noticed that many Istarians were using Charahub as their place of choice for all of their characters. However, Charahub, while very nice for quick reference, isn't really that great for any extended descriptions or large images.

While we did also have our own special wiki for characters - Order Underground - the website has been unstable as of late and was geared towards the denizens of Order. For its own anti-spam protection, it required administrator-powered account creation to write anything and thus wasn't ideal to many people who I recommended it to.

This site is not meant to replace Order Underground if it ever returns, of course, but offer a more public and accessible place for players of all servers to come and write about their characters someplace it likely won't ever go down or be lost.

What does this offer over other sites?
Unlike Charahub, a Wikia is much more oriented to writing large swathes of information and supplementing it with images, slideshows, or videos. It's very easy to organise your information how you want it to be rather than a strict and small journal-like format that Charahub offers. It gives you your own space to write everything you ever wanted about your character in-depth!

Compared to personally hosted websites, the Dalimond Archives is open to everyone from the start and is hosted on a platform managed by the very successful wikia team. It's unlikely to ever go down due to missed bills. Plus, you don't even need an account to edit; you can edit anonymously straight from the start!

Of course, this concerns some people. What about trolls who just want to wreck things? Well, fear not, for Wikia has IP banning features and the ability to roll back a page to any point in its edit history. If anything bad happens, just poke me and I can fix it in a jiffy!

So how do I get started?
Easy! Simply scroll down the main page and find the 'Getting Started' section. Type your character's, location's, or story's name into one of the corresponding boxes and click 'create' and you're already well on your way!

Wikia can be confusing at first glance but it is pretty easy to get the hang of with the help of Google and its own help articles. It can be very flexible and offer a lot of organisation once you know what you're looking for!


All that being said, while it's new it'll still be a bit empty, but feel free to hop in and try it out! Just don't mess with others' pages or anything rude like that.

If you find any issues or bugs, feel free to report them here. Otherwise, I hope it comes in useful!