Since December Delta, I have the items in inventory can be looked at but not used bug. Resource gathered into disk, backpack, or pet can not be separated. Its the old bug were you either have to relog or move items form one holder to another to separate or use them. It has always been around but only comes up once in a while. Now it is every time I harvest any crystal or ore..
The new limiting of ore, crystal, or essence harvested has dropped everything down. With my GMC, I may harvest many 10s in a row, I still get many 5s, 0s, and such. I still get all the low or nothing harvests but none of the over 10 harvest. This has lead to me getting way less per harvest of a node. Regular nodes now only give between 65 and 78 units per node. Rich nodes are about 200 ore. A motherload now only gives me about a half a load. It used to fill me full with a little left over. This is no longer the case.
I do not see where either of these two problems added anything to the game or made it enjoyable.
Thank you, Slimey on Order