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Thread: "Great Library of Wisdom"

  1. #1

    Default "Great Library of Wisdom"

    Quote Originally Posted by Laughing Otter
    Common goals & common gain set the foundation for the community, but right now there is little of that spirit left. ARoP, although needed and desired, is not a community event.

    The best way to be rid of the Vielo would be to remove the need for them. Assuming the comp drop rate and missing creatures are addressed, a community event such as reclaiming Old Rachival and rebuilding the Great Library of Wisdom & Wonders (hint...) could revitalize the community spirit and serve as a new source for expert & master forms obtained on the token system, quests for T4-6 techs, and so on. Once the event is concluded - a space of weeks if not months - the Vielo would no longer be needed in their present form.
    quoted LO just cause he's the inspiriation ;)

    Its a said state of affairs that most formulas nowadays end up on the pawnbroker. The market which was once vibrant and booming has crashed. And its no stretch of the imagination to see t4 and 5 techs heading in that direction. Consignment is a poor choice as they cost money out of pocket to list and usually get sent back after a week. And storing large quantities is unfeasible, so they get pawned. This is hard on both adventurers and crafters. Adventurers lose a notable source of income, and crafters subsequently have a hard time acquiring formulas.

    The current recourse for crafters seeking formsis the vielo, who charge rather extreme prices prompting pb farming for the necessary cash sums. There is no recourse for techs.

    So what I propose is a "Great Library of Wisdom" It would essentially function as a Lore Keeper/Quartemaster, but instead of having infinite stacks of every form and tech, it would have in stock exactly what was sold to him. He'd pay a bit more than PB's to encourage adventurers to sell to him. Available forms/techs could then either purchased at the usual pb mark up or some craft task could be assigned and the player rewarded with their choice of the available forms/techs.

    All and all it seems a compromise between leaving the situation as it is, which is detrimental to up and coming crafters who don't have forms yet, and adding in traditional Beginner/journeyman lorekeepers and Quartermasters to sell the currently not sold forms/techs which would undermine the adventurers.
    PersonalJustice the Demon Slayer - Chaos

    Master Crafter: 1900 Levels

    WTB Undead Legions. Paying $12.95/month

  2. #2

    Default Re: "Great Library of Wisdom"

    Its a good idea with an npc buying forms/techs at a higher price than the pb.. maybe have him in a great library in the capital, But i do think the idea of having a library in game would be even more exciting, then there could be alot lore (books to be read) in one place, and new lore could be placed there as it gets discovered.

    There could also be books that was scattered around istaria (as loot), and as players found them they sell or pass them along to the library, where they become avalible for all to read.

    If there was something useful in the capital it would be used alot more, and where is a better place to gather wizdom than the capital [:)]

    Lets have an event, the re-building of the great library of Tazoon [:D]
    100 Warrior |100 Guardian |100 Healer
    Unity [former Ice]

    wich one would you pick ?

  3. #3

    Default Re: "Great Library of Wisdom"

    Sounds like a great idea to me. Although at this point *any* community event would be a good idea. I would sign on for the rebuilding of the "Great Sewers of Tazoon" or the "Lost City of the Snails" if it gave the shards something to cooperate on.

  4. #4

    Default Re: "Great Library of Wisdom"

    Sounds interesting.

    Basically a PB that only buys a subset (forms/techs) at an increased rate.
    Perhaps add in the forms sold at PBs (they buy for less, then resell to the library for a profit, I mean where do the PB get their money?) So after X time on PBs (who actually buys from PBs?) they get transfered to the library.

    Event style forms (Fall treats, winter fireworks) would be cool to find on the Library.

    Use this as the starting point for the missing forms and techs, and a chance to change some of the forms and techs that need fixing.

    A story arch (if developers read)

    The Library is ready to be rebuilt, the community must rebuild.
    To do this some of the T6 construction/metals/missing forms are needed and the librarian stands outside the work area selling these new forms so people can build the library. Builders could get library tokens for applying/building to the library (yes, monster builders could collect alot of them).

    Once the library is rebuilt, add in the missing confection forms, missing expert forms, the >100 forms (when the cap is moved). Use this time to tweak the forms/techs that need tweaking as they are now standardized in the library.

    Once built the librarians can give quests for books, or research for books they are writing (scholars are not going out to kill mob-x and obtain some # of components for research). so this adds in the ability to add in some quests to the game. Sure just more kill X style ones, but perhaps Library tokens can be used as money for forms (say expert forms required library tokens). These tokens can offset money, or perhaps purchase library "special" forms that are introduced. These quests could be level specific (perhaps 6 librarians, 1 for each tier), and there could be a few special forms to cover the bases.

    This gives a story, promotes community, and fills in the missing holes (forms and techs).

    Library forms would be just a little better then the average forms. Sure people would want these, and that is fine, as you can collect library tokens, and buy them. But they take a better skill level then the standard form.
    Little things that make the library forms interesting.
    Interesting library forms could be:
    Improved Pick (+2 quarry and mining built in, can tech from there)
    Improved Tool (+2 to the tools skill built in)
    Improved resource processing (say metal bars), double xp requirements but lets you get down to 1-1 for processing.
    Improved construction forms.
    Improved spell forms (+2 damage, or +2 range or +2 AoE or +2xxx)
    Improved weapon/armor formssay cloth armor of power +2 power (for each armor level) but more requirements.

    Every form would require a better Skill (say double of what is needed (T5/T6 would need crafter >100)) and more resources (say orbs or more of the base resources) and add something interesting to the item like a built in tech. They can then be teched as normal.

    This means people would want these more then the current batches of tools/equipment they have. This again adds to the community as crafters are needed, hunters are needed (to get tokens and collect comps), and there is a big discussion of what is good/bad.

    Armor/scales could be of +STR or+Power or +dex or + Focus.
    this increases the number of forms (small change I assume), and spreads out the desire for armor. As the basic tech is added into the form, and can then be teched up from there, we now have a second market (get the base, or find someoen with library forms).

    it could be +x per tier (so T1 would be +2, T2 +4) and so on.
    Construction would get a boost as they can produce more with these new forms.
    Spells would be newer with more power, or AoE or whatever changes the form had. Perhaps one version of each (primal bolt with AoE), meaning a choice in the style of spell you have is important (more character choices)

    Quests would be there to collect tokens, some could be crafter tokens, some could be hunter tokens. The tokens could be per librarian/style so that you need to do craft quests to get access to the craft library formulas.

    Basically the community would then be in turmoil as people found the new best fit. And the current equipment would be swapped out for this new equipment, and people questing for the new forms, and spells would be redone for these new forms. And so on, people upgrading to the new equipment and armor. Finding their combonation (str, or power, or dex, or focus) and dragons with new scales with built in armor or T&C or. . .

    More questing, more choices more ideas.
    -Digit Dryad

  5. #5
    Eustace Trevelyan

    Default Re: "Great Library of Wisdom"

    Quote Originally Posted by Gwillimena
    I would sign on for the rebuilding of the "Great Sewers of Tazoon"

    I used to play a beta version of this one game, and other than the city streets, and a thieves' den, all there was were the sewers. Five areas of them. Surprisingly fun, really. Not much in Tazoon, so a dungeon would be a serious step up, esp. if it were infested by cultists of some kind (disciples of the Lich King? perhaps there could be evil npcs).

  6. #6

    Default Re: "Great Library of Wisdom"

    A good idea.

    Not sure the idea of "slightly better" forms is a good idea though. People already very close or at the form cap limit. Doubel skill would mean no one could possibly craft it.

    The Library would be a good place to store and read various parts of the lore of istaria. Age of Dragons, Age of the sorcerer, etc. stuff like that would be something the library could do. Selling of expert forms would be more like a specialized PB that never dumps into oblivion items, like the current pb's do.

    Although I have noticed on a pb on our guildplot, that some pawned expert forms have been there for weeks, the same forms. Perhaps all the forms we see PB'd have been there for weeks as well, and have accumulated, giving the impression that mass dumping of forms to pb is happening, when in reality it hasn't.

    Still like the idea that a certain npc could buy and store for sale excess forms. They could be in the library where lore can be added by dev's over time.


  7. #7

    Default Re: "Great Library of Wisdom"

    Quote Originally Posted by Guaran
    A good idea.

    Not sure the idea of "slightly better" forms is a good idea though. People already very close or at the form cap limit. Doubel skill would mean no one could possibly craft it.
    That would be the idea.
    People would progress to the "slightly" better forms, leaving space for newer players to use the normal forms. Kind of like the new marshal people that sell the refurbished equipment, this would add a "better then fine" market.

    Double skill for when they raise the level cap. Was mostly an idea. Perhaps 1 Tier higher requirement (so T2 would require 400 skill).

    Still like the idea that a certain npc could buy and store for sale excess forms. They could be in the library where lore can be added by dev's over time.

    And it would be interesting!
    -Digit Dryad

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