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Thread: ChatMod - A "More Tabs" UI modification

  1. #21

    Exclamation Re: ChatMod - A "More Tabs" UI modification

    as of today's patch, the NPC dialogues have been changed to show a split window: One for the chat text, one for the quest list of the NPC.

    If you installed the tab mod you may encounter client crashes once you greet any quest giving NPC. There seems to be some conflict with the mod and the only workaround currently is uninstalling it. I'm not into the mod's details and hope someone else is able to fix it.

    To uninstall the mod, do the following:

    • Stop your game
    • Open your istaria folder
    • Change into the resources_override folder
    • Search for the following files, these may be located in an even deeper path structure:
      • themes/default/UIChatWindow.def
      • themes/default/UICoreControls.def

    • Delete these files or move them to a secure place

    Once done you're limited to 8 chat tabs, but greeting the quest givers should work again.

    Thanks to Knossos for passing details on the issue

    Istaria Lexica | Istaria Reference

  2. #22

    Default Re: ChatMod - A "More Tabs" UI modification

    I took a crack at fixing this so that it will work again with the new npc chat interface. I believe it's working as it was before. The new .zip file no longer contains resourcemeta.def as it's no longer needed. Unzip to your MAIN game folder and it will automatically unzip to the resources_override folder.

    resources_override\resoures\Interface\Themes\Defau lt\Defs\UIChatWindow.def
    resources_override\resoures\Interface\Themes\Defau lt\Defs\UICoreControls.def
    resources_override\resoures\Interface\Icons\Number s\Icon_1.png
    resources_override\resoures\Interface\Icons\Number s\Icon_2.png
    resources_override\resoures\Interface\Icons\Number s\Icon_3.png
    resources_override\resoures\Interface\Icons\Number s\Icon_4.png
    resources_override\resoures\Interface\Icons\Number s\Icon_5.png
    resources_override\resoures\Interface\Icons\Number s\Icon_6.png

    To remove the mod, simply delete these files from the resources_override folder.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  3. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Pacific NW, USA // Order

    Default Re: ChatMod - A "More Tabs" UI modification

    Thank you, Cegaiel!!!


  4. #24

    Default Re: ChatMod - A "More Tabs" UI modification

    Thankyou finally can begin using this again without losing the Emote button

  5. #25

    Default Re: ChatMod - A "More Tabs" UI modification

    I'm not sure if during my recent server migration or some other issue (new features broke it) or if I misplaced the last fix, but this mod is now very obsolete, based on a recent quality control audit.

    A player recently reported that quest links were lost (and likely the "E"mote button was lost) and it was because of this mod.

    I have reluctantly updated this mod to be sure players no longer lose certain features.

    If anyone has this 20 chat tab mod installed and don't notice any issues, please update with this new release (even if you have this installed and it's still working, Just update it!)

    I don't like maintaining this mod because as tech team occasionally adds new features, that uses the 'UIChatWindow.def' or 'UICoreControls.def', the feature won't work properly because of this mod existing in /resources_override.

    Very likely this next time this mod gets broke, it will be deprecated, permanently (by me at least and any links on IstariaReference will be removed).

    If you've never used the 20 chat tab mod, I beg you don't try it. It'll cause problems in long run. Additionally this is likely the last update.

    Any new game updates can potentially be invalid due to having this files in resources_override.

    But for the die hard fans who are addicted, I have one last 'fix' for you; here's the latest update to keep everything working properly...

    Updated 20 tab Chat Mod:
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  6. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Pacific NW, USA // Order

    Default Re: ChatMod - A "More Tabs" UI modification

    I for one (and I expect that I am far from alone among Istaria players) who is more than mildly irritated whenever the single window chat tab limit falls back from 20 to 8 tabs. I monitor several tabs and use several more on a routine basis.

    I hope the dev team will reconsider and make the 20 tab chat window a game feature which is not relegated to /resources_override folder and is instead supported in any feature improvements involving the 'UIChatWindow.def' and/or 'UICoreControls.def' files.


  7. #27

    Default Re: ChatMod - A "More Tabs" UI modification

    I think you are correct, Knossos. I've known this thread has existed for a long time, but I looked back and realized this mod has been around since 2005. Wow!

    It's survived a long time and due to the popularity, I've submitted a new design to the devs for review. It needs some polishing and I can't guarantee it will make it.

    There's a few flaws in the way this mod works, three actually. If we can work out these 3 issues, then it will make it to the game.

    If not, then I've at least come up with a new design that doesn't look like a 'hack' job. I'll post this inverted design in future if it doesn't make it.

    My suggestion is the bottom image (inverted chat tabs). Hopefully you'll see this in game, if not, I'll post this new look in future.

    Stay tuned ...

    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
    Need game info? Try Istaria Reference, Istaria Lexica Wiki or Istaras Chosen

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Pacific NW, USA // Order

    Default Re: ChatMod - A "More Tabs" UI modification

    Many thanks, Ceg. I will stay tuned...


  9. #29

    Default Re: ChatMod - A "More Tabs" UI modification

    The chat modification is now installed on the Blight Client 395.7.0 which was patched today.

    To my suprise, it's actually 22 tabs instead of 20 (two rows of 11). Not sure how that happened.
    It looks like it needs a slight tweak from a horizontal line extending beyond right border in certain situations.

    But I've heard reports of players crashing while patched to blight because of this. You MUST manually delete the files from your resources_override if you're playing with Blight client (either you play on blight server or you use the "Patch to Blight" option in the launcher, while playing on Chaos/Order).

    resources_override\resoures\Interface\Themes\Defau lt\Defs\UIChatWindow.def
    resources_override\resoures\Interface\Themes\Defau lt\Defs\UICoreControls.def
    resources_override\resoures\Interface\Icons\Number s\Icon_1.png
    resources_override\resoures\Interface\Icons\Number s\Icon_2.png
    resources_override\resoures\Interface\Icons\Number s\Icon_3.png
    resources_override\resoures\Interface\Icons\Number s\Icon_4.png
    resources_override\resoures\Interface\Icons\Number s\Icon_5.png
    resources_override\resoures\Interface\Icons\Number s\Icon_6.png

    The files are different (than what's in the last mod update) and the istaria.exe has been updated to support how it handles the tabs.

    The mod has been deleted from Istaria Reference and now deprecated.

    If you're not going to use the patch to Blight option (or don't play on Blight server) you can keep the files a little while longer. But beware, once the current Blight client is added to Live Shards, then you might experience crashing upon login.
    Last edited by Cegaiel; July 21st, 2017 at 08:46 PM.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
    Need game info? Try Istaria Reference, Istaria Lexica Wiki or Istaras Chosen

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