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Thread: EVE Online: Your thoughts?

  1. #1

    Default EVE Online: Your thoughts?

    Was looking at this game recently ( and am intrigued with its concept. Not your typical MMO at all.

    Has anyone played it for an extended amount of time (longer than the 14-day trial)?

    What did you think of it?

    How does the crafting system of that game comparewith the system in HZ?

  2. #2

    Default Re: EVE Online: Your thoughts?

    I tested the game, until release. I did not like it. I found it to be very boring and time intensive. A lot of space jumping, travelling from gate to gate with nothing to do unless you wish to be a pirate, then you have the police you have to outrace. Of course you have to outrace the players too, that come to hunt you.

    The crafting system was very tedious also. You have to go to certain sectors (requires more jumping through portals) to find suitable asteroids to get rare minerals to craft different items for upgrading your ship.

    On a scale of 1-10 I would rate the game a 3. Although it is initially intriguing because of how different it was.

    I do not know if it is very different now, but lag played a big problem when in battles, due to the "warping".

    Just my 2 cents worth. Hope it helped you.

  3. #3

    Default Re: EVE Online: Your thoughts?

    I'd heard similar things from a friend of mine. Not much going on out in deep space; all the action is near bodies of mass like stations, planets and asteroid drifts.

    I looked in their forums too, and found a thread from a fellow who was returning after a long break and wanted to know how the game had changed. The responses suggested that the devs had "lost their focus" and that things were "up in the air" at the moment.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    In a skylair, high above the clouds

    Default Re: EVE Online: Your thoughts?

    Two words: Tedium Incarnate.

    Imagine crossing Horizons with full PvP.

    Erus Ex Universitas -- Erus Ex Istaria Guild Home

    1. Fix what is broken. -- 2. Finish what is not complete. -- 3. Start something new.

  5. #5

    Default Re: EVE Online: Your thoughts?

    I haven't looked at this game at all, but is it like a MMOG version of Freelancer (a single player game).

    That's kinda what it sounds like. I thought freelancer was interesting, but I wouldn't want to play it for longer than the few days of casual play it took me to complete the plotline.

    Spent half my time warping from station to planet to station to station to battleship (oooooo, something new;) to station to station to planet.... etc etc. Then you had the tedious intersystem jumps. It was an interesting concept for a game, but not something I could play continuiously.

    Which is why what you said about EVE reminded me of that game I guess.

  6. #6

    Default Re: EVE Online: Your thoughts?

    OK, looked up the game, and as far as I can see it is indeed an evolution of freelancer. Not the best idea IMO. But kinda cool nontheless. I might check out that trial

  7. #7

    Default Re: EVE Online: Your thoughts?

    The game came across as an intergalactic spreadsheet. It looks like hyped-up Excel or another such program when you look at the interface. It plays like Excel on occasion as well.

    It's also one of those games where the designers have set out to waste a player's time by putting obstacles in their way, like buying an item at one station and being forced to pick it up in another star system 45 minutes real time away. The jumpgate add-on apparently alleviates this, though I remained unconvinced.

    Travelling an hour real time only to be ganked by some d00d on the other side of a jump-gate and then pod-killed sort of trashes any fair concept of risk vs. reward.
    Since PvP in this game (as is PvP in nearly all MMORPG's) is all about who has the l33ter gear, you don't really stand a chance if you're new and decide to explore some of the lower security areas. If yo ubuy something for your ship, you usually have ot go travelling anyway...

    Great character creation, probably the best part of the game. You can learn skills while you're offline and the space and planet graphics own, as far as pluses go.

    Comes across as a meaner and nastier Earth & Beyond, but at least that dear departed game was fun from the minute you loaded it up. EVE is fun only if you have extreme patience and a lot of time.

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