I was sort of wondering what sorts of things you might have to overcome for the AROP, and I'm sure plenty of you are too.

I was thinking - bipeds have a quest they can undertake to remove an adventuring class. Obviously, dragons can't do that, they only have one adventuring class.

But, what if you had some sort of quest where you could take an adult dragon and return it to the hatchling state?

OK, wierd, but what would you do with it?

Well, what if as part of the AROP, you had to return yourself to a hatchling state, and then do something sort of like the test of endurance where you had to take on a burden that would kill your movement rate and then walk from there to a goal, along a path strewn with enemies...

at the end of the path, if you made it, you would be returned to adult state and directed to your next trial...

Just two coppers bouncing around in my noggin...