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Thread: '482671 not found for destruction' (Housing Storage)

  1. #1

    Default '482671 not found for destruction' (Housing Storage)

    I keep getting this message when I move stuff in and out of my house storage, think it is refering to a specific item of my armor but haven't tested to figure which piece:

    '482671 not found for destruction'

    Also I noticed housing storage is a lot more clumsy than vault but assume there is no help for that -- I cannot put a container with items directly in, need to put all of the individual items first in my main inventory, then transfer just the empty container, then add items from inventory to there. Cannot put items already in housing storage into a housing sub-container unless you first transfer them to your personal inventory, then open the container in the hosue and move them back again from your persoanl inventory.

    I am assuming however those are all 'known' issues and no real solution possible.

    Currently if you try to move an item in a "not allowed" manner, it just tells to wait a few seconds then try again, even though in those cases "waiting" is not the issue.

    Some message suggesting "Sorry you can't do that" would be less frustrating/confusing, as I kept counting to 30 and trying again over and over because the message I got kept telling me to wait a bit longer then try again.

    Sometimes it lets me move multiple items and sometimes it doesn't and I haven't yet figured the ":rule" there.

    Also, a small storage structure I wish we had, would be something opposite of a silo -- very litle bulk allowed but a lot of items, like a "safehouse storage" with 500/500 or something. It gets very frustrating organizing tiny items like jewelry, formulas, lore tokens etc because I am always using up my item count long before I hit a bulk unit (though if future palns are for a large increase in Item Stack Capacity, this would solve it as well.) Making it a separate storage however adds to the choices a player needs to make in designing their plot.

  2. #2
    Staff :: Developer
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quality Assurance Island

    Default Re: '482671 not found for destruction' (Housing Storage)

    '482671 not found for destruction'
    is Defense: Armor I effect... so whatever has that tech on it is what's giving you that message. Good to know, thank you for the report!

    I'll bring up the rest of these issues as well so that we can prioritize them, and get them queued up.

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