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Thread: So where do you fight??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Dallas/Ft Worth Texas....Order Shard

    Default So where do you fight??

    I have always been one to solo fight.....alot.

    I have a 79 Reaver/76 Shaman/76 Healer/68 Spiritist.

    I have pretty much done all my adventuring solo but am now at a spot where solo fighting is becoming mundane and a wee bit boring. I am currently fighting the 95-100 Greater Fire Beetles on Fire Island. I was wondering if others are in this situation and looking for some assistance on where would be a good spot to solo or what it takes to get into a good hunting group.

    I am in a rather small guild, one of those where there seems to be no more than 2 people on at the same time, me being one of them. Leaving my guild, Sacred Order of Ancients, is not an option as I have been in this guild since the inception of the game and I do believe we are one of the oldest guilds out there.

    I would love to continue to adventure but I know that solo I cannot take on the creatures of the WD.

    Others input would be great...thanks for the assistance
    16 100 crafting classes....getting closer

  2. #2

    Default Re: So where do you fight??

    I've solo levelled from 75 to 97 Pally in the last few weeks (also am 48 Druid). I did most of the levelling vs gem golems on Ice Island and vs Mithril Golems, but that was because I could level Miner/Fitter/Jeweler at the same time and build up a cash reserve for comp purchases for armor. Best of all worlds.

    I also made some side trips to the Spirituous Swamp to work on the grouks, blood skulks, and purple spiders there for comps. The Blood Skulk shaman types are good practice for taking on the WA shamans. You can pull one at a time and not worry about adds. The north end of swamp has Bright Wisps and the Spirit Tower has Ironsilk, so both areas often have high level crafters who appreciate someone killing off the mobs that make their job tougher, and who are happy to throw you a Cloak of Thorns or a res if needed.

    Ingo Nosdracir - Chaos - Human Paladin ++
    Nimah Nosdracir - Chaos - Human Warrior/Cleric
    Ogni Nosdracir - Chaos - Dragon Hatchling

  3. #3

    Default Re: So where do you fight??

    I generally solo as well, Bandishier, and I don't have any one place I go to hunt. Rather, I go where the mood strikes me.

    If you are currently slaying the Giant Fire Beetles, then don't discount your ability to take on the level 116-120 Indestructible Fyakki in the Eastern Deadlands. They aren't nearly as indestructible as their name would lead you to believe. And they can drop some very nice loot. Yesterday, in a couple hours of fighting them, I picked up several Imperial hoardables, and a couple of the new set pieces.

    Alged, the Satyr Isle reached through the Aughundell Battlefield tunnel, is also a good place to hunt. It's not nearly as crowded most days as Elnath, the critters there are level 81-100, and for some odd reason at least seem to drop more techs and forms than other beasties of their level. Just be wary of the wraith groups there and you should do fine solo.

    I also enjoy taking on the Peridot and Emerald golems on Ice Island. It may be just a false perception, but to me they seem to drop more hoardables than any other critters I hunt. And running across bosses like Gheniem and Verdeios is a nice plus.

    Try Saritova island for a change of pace as well. Just about every Tier V critter can be found there.

    Finally, I also like trotting down to the Spiritous Swamp and slaying the Purple Spiders and Bloodsnout Gruoks there. The latter give up some pretty good coin, while the former's venom is much sought after as a component for several useful techniques.

    Oh, I'm a 100 Chaos Warrior/100 Cleric/31 Crossbowman. It seems to me that your present class combinations and levels easily match, if not exceed, mine for purposes of soloing.
    Before you criticize anyone, walk a mile in his shoes. Then, when you criticize him, you'll be a mile away. And you'll have his shoes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Dralk and in my lair, where else?

    Default Re: So where do you fight??

    I love to fight in Ashenvale and Darksh... ehm sorry this is not Horizons.

    Well when I am here I like the Bloodskulks and the Ice beetles. And the former *to me* drop good stuff and hoard drops.

    I like the WA too but the green halo after a while gets me and I go away.

    The best is when I can group with Hagen or Felicia. Then I really enjoy my stay.
    Vahrokh Vain - Ancient dragon level 100 adv 100 craft 34M of untainted, fireworks and other crap free hoard.
    Isarion - Reaver Healer Spiritist, many craft classes.

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