A few months ago a terriblethinghappened to the beginner crafters of our world, esspecialy to the beginner Scholars, Spellcrafters and Dragon crafters.
The Stoneworking shop in Pleasant Canyon was sold and destroyed.
As a devoted Istarian who was homeless at the time I decided to buy the plot and withgreat help of my guild mates I succeeded in building an even better Stoneworking shop (journeyman's shop instead of the beginner's shop that used to be there).
When we finished building, It all seemed to work out perfectly. the village of Pleasant canyon was filled with happy crafters filling their cargo discs with sandstone and taking them to the next door Scholar's shop to make their spells. But this has all changed now again. The next door Scholar's shop was sold too a few weeks ago and now there isan empty plot of land where it used to be.
I ask you, Citizens of Istaria, to do the greatest favour you'll ever be able to do for our community and rebuild this ruined shop so everyone will be able to enjoy the village of Pleasant canyon, the stoneworking center of our world.
Shortly, if no one starts building there by 2-1-2006, I will have to sell my plot too and you'll have to build 2 shops instead of 1 because I'm tired of doing the whole community thisservice and then get spat in the face by people who don't care.
You better be quick.