On the other hand :

If the system were to be changed like this, it's still possible to get points in secondary skills without ever touching whatever that skill is supposed to represent. I.E. As a fitter, I simply buy metal bars instead of going through the slog of collecting them myself - but as I level I get experience in making bars and mining, which is something I never did. When I reach lvl 100 I go back to mithril or platinum and suddenly half an hour later I'm a lvl 60 miner.

What I want to know is : Is this also something that will be addressed? Is Tulga really interested in fixing this exploit too? Or is it just a case of trying to slow down the lvling process in general, without really caring about how the crafting system itself works?

I still think that a pure skill based system is not only easier to implement, but also more sensible given the path Tulga wants to persue. It solves the potential problem I've mentioned above, totally destroys any chance of using one crafting skill as a means to gain an insane skill in another, and it still gives a player a reward for everything in the game that he makes. (TG might possibly need to start giving experience for actually getting unproccessed ore from nodes though, I guess that would be the one tricky thing about this business.)