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Thread: Introduce NEED into the economy

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    Default Introduce DEMAND into the economy

    For some reason, the developers, have never wanted to make us have needs in this game. Rent or tax on properties has been dismissed. Vendor sold items that we ALL have to consume regularly, is somehow viewed as bad for the game.

    Sense of accomplishment can be had from crafting structures here, because you must level a variety of classes to do it, you must work hard and be willing to put in the time to have it, and you have the finished structure to admire.

    Dragons coming up sense accomplishment as they complete quests, and get to fly. Also the same as crafters, when they finish a lair room.

    Fighters really only have it with added levels, skills or new classes.

    Once a player gets high enough, what do we see? Multi classed fighters and crafters with lots of money, nothing to spend it on but the occasional fluff item like shoulder treants or spiders. There is no war to keep them busy, and even if there were, the gear they had last year is still in perfect shape this year... nothing really has changed.

    I would like to suggest to the developers to Introduce NEED into the mix.

    Apply a monthly tax to Guild properties that would put a property in danger of being reclaimed.

    Add a componant to ALL crafted items like sandpaper or "flux" that cannot be gathered or looted and can only be bought from Imperial vendors.

    Add more cargo disks that can port but increase the portal costs. Make cargo disks you can recall with, but make them require charges that can only be purchased and not crafted. ( enhanced Tarbash? )

    Add an anti-aggro shield that can be used by pure crafters, so that they may gather in dangerous places. Make it last 15 minutes, and the t5 version could cost 5 silver.

    As proof of these additions motivating players to play and become a part of the economy... The reason I came back was to prevent my 2 guild communities from being reclaimed. I will heartly embrace any of these 3 changes, if you put them in.

    Players, Please add YOUR suggestions. And please don't just say things are fine or that you don't want any changes... too many still complain about the lack of economy for such comments to be believed anymore.
    Last edited by Aamer Khan; June 2nd, 2006 at 12:36 AM.

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