I don't see why we cannot trade more than we can hold.

When you are gathering materials, you are permitted to gather more than you can hold, it doesn't automatically stop you at exactly 100%, it stops you at what that current item gather yields and overburdens you, or roots you if its +100 bulk.

So why can't we do this while trading between players? Its kinda stupid to have to trade little by little so they can stuff it into their disk, like when we help each other in Lairshaping or Building, if I'm standing right beside the crafting machine, let me take all of the resources off the other player so I can mass-make whatever the material happens to be, instead of making them shift the materials to me 100 by 100 by 100 by 100.

That, let's say I have 100 bulk left. I want to trade 100bulk of Item A for the other player's 200 Bulk of Item B. I DO have enough room to take it, but the trade window will NOT let me trade it becuase it tries to add the other player's items BEFORE subtracting what I'm giving them.

Kinda stupid, really... it just makes it more complicated than it has to be.
