My Wife, RaspberrySwirl, just got her RoP last night (Congrats again baby)
and it got me thinking..

As I was standing there watching her transformation from a little draggy that runs like a puppy into a teen-aged dragon and was able to stretch her wings for the first time, I thought to myself, why don't Bi-Peds have some epic quest like this, and the though entered my mind about the old HZ specs about Angels and Demons.

I thought this might be something that could be really cool, and give something more to the bi-peds then just owning a plot of land (which means nothing now, since everyone can have one) and grinding the hell out of the levels. Where as yes Bi-peds can have more classes, and really do more things then a dragon we don't get anything 'cool' like the ability to fly.

So here's the idea (kinda.. LOL)
1) You can choose to become a Angel or demon (like the two
different quests for Dragons)

2) the Quest to become one of the 'High-Gifted' would be HARD
and MASSIVE just like the RoP and AoP quests. (Of course not the
same quest)

3) Players would gain the ability to fly after the Quest, with Angel wings
or bat-like demon wings

4) Players can then quest for new 'super powers'
perhaps like once a day powers. For Angels something like
'instant party heal 100%' that can be used once a day
or 'instant death' for demons (again, once a day, and most likey
a level limit)

Or just access to higher powered spells, and/or better equipment.
with massive buffs.

A whole new realm could be created, for these Angels and demons showing
that something else is pulling the strings of the Withering Aegis. Something to 'fluff' out the story line of the gifted and something to futher the story itself.

Just a thought. =)