I had what I thought was a great idea for Horizons last night. I have only played for a little over a year and have no clue if this idea has been submitted in the past. We could hold a Horizons Lotto. Everyone buys tickets for the price of, say, 1s. We could buy as few or as many as we like. Then a drawing is held and the winning ticket wins 1 mithril. If that is too much, then lower the winning amount, but in real life most lottos are worth $1m as the base. Then it grows depending on how many weeks go by without a winner. Part of the proceeds could go to paying characters to help build things that need finishing around Istaria or some such thing. It may be a way to help the economy. The winner would remain annonymous due to players trying to borrow from them but we would be informed that there was a winner and the base amount would be reset to 1m. The drawing would be held once a week and we could either pick our numbers or get quick picks. I realize that first EI needs the time to figure out the current coding and get things moving for updates to resume and events to start happening again.

I come from an I.T. background and have been through many company takeovers and mergers so it doesn't happen overnight or even in a couple of months. This is just an idea for a future event once EI figures out what they are doing. In the meantime I will continue to hunt forms and craft and get get my character levels up. There are many schools I want to explore so I will be busy for quite a while without any updates happening.

Anyone like or oppose this idea? If I am totally off base as to the idea of helping the economy, please be constructive in letting me know why. I am still fairly new to this game compared to a lot of long time players and this is my first online game.