I spent Saturday getting crafting up to 22 so I could train lairshaping. Then I spent most of yesterday trying to do the lairshaping quests and running all over getting the various resources needed and making lairshaping components... wow, what a chore

I have the best disk I can use at my level and I have my Dimensional pocket quests up to date, so I'm carrying as much as I can, but it took me roughly 11-12 hours yesterday just to do the following: 6 items for each of the 3 T1 quests, roughly 30 more imbued bronze bars to get me to level 10 for the T2 quests, and the 6 items for each of the first 2 T2 quests.

I am on my last of the T2 LSH quests now, and after that, I'm ready to make the first two hallways in my lair, so I'm trying to find an efficient workflow to help speed things up?

From what I saw yesterday, it looks like it would be best to switch to DCRA, make silos full of construction components and raw materials, then switch to DLSH to actually apply the items to the lair, since you don't get DLSH xp from creating the items. With that plan in mind, I found 4 silos on my guild plot that weren't being used and set about filling them with dim orbs, bronze bars, etc., but then I quickly realized that I need more silos

In order to do just the first 3-way and straight hall for my lair (all T1/T2), I need sandstone slabs, dim essence, dim essence orbs, bronze bars, sandstone bricks, viridian crystals, tri-cut gems, etc... I only have 4 silos to work with, so they filled up and I needed more space.

I asked about this in the Dragon channel and someone suggested using a private consigner as storage. I've never done that, how does it work?

My main question is, am I going about this the right way? Or is there a better way? Any tips would be welcome