Hail, citizens and denizens alike, I bid you fair greetings. I am Embrys, Senior Worldmaster and Horizons Liasion.

Throughout ancient history, the scribes and wise men took part not only in recording history, but in creating it. The victors took their lore forward, leaving forgotten the stories of the fallen and vanquished.

We beseech you one and all to take note of the times, woe and strife abide... where are the great ones? Who among us will form the company of heroes that leads this generation into the pages of history, the tales to be told by our descendants? Shall we leave no mark, no lore, save a blight upon the fair pages of time? Nay, I say not... I say not.

We shall not fall, nor shall we be vanquished... but carry our stories unto the future, bright of hope and faithful heart.

One and All I call, hither and yon, to send the best among you. The sage and wise, the strong and proud... send to me your best from among your guilds to represent yourselves. The League of Historians is impending.

Apply to the League of Historians by sending an email to [email protected] , with APPLICATION in the subject line.

Every guild leader should send one application for the person chosen to represent their guild.

Non guild affiliated individuals will also be considered during the application process. Apply in the same manner.

Application should include:
Name, Race, Class, and Level of the representative
Names of the active members
Name and Shard of the Guild
(Optional) Brief history of the guild.