In resent months the blight and the withered ages teamed up and cast a Dark cloud of strife and resentment among Istaria. all races have indeed been effected by this plague. The wises of the races have teamed up and proposed to fight back and retake harro and push back the eastern dead lands, But with Istarias races (Players) depleting by this ailment Empire herald has doughts about this counter strike as he gathered his men and made a general announcement in Tazzon

Good morning fellow Istarias. As you know the blight have attacked once more and I call on you to once again to fight for are freedom not from terrine oppression or persecution but form emulation. We are fighting for are right to live to exist this is a time, where Istaria will declare in one thunderous voice, we will not go quietly into the night. We will not give in with out a fight. Today I call on you to once again to pick up your sword armor claws spells crafting equipment to once again lead Istaria to Victory we will drive the blight from harro and send it back to where it came form!

And in a great cheer that can be heard through out the land
he exclaimed then we have your support the Counter Strike will commence (edit and put in time frame hear ) Crafters prepare to craft a new artifact that its Light will send the withered ages running in fear warriors prepare your self to defend it with your lives

Artifact will need the following
Radiant essence orbs of cleansing
Radiant essence orbs of purifying
Radiant essence orbs
Mirth bars
Adamantom bars
And a symbol of the community that honors are fallen comrades (Ie Morning Breath and Mcbain )