I have often thought about these few things.

#1 I realy think there should be more stack capacity in the vaults. Something like 500 if you have vault 10. 300 fills up way to fast.

#2 Draggy disc should have atleast 3 stack in them. After all it does take at least 3 resources to make one item to place in a lair.

#3 A personal size vault!!! One to put on plots. Something like the size of a tiny saris hut., maybe with the same door as in the city vaults. The regualr vaults are way to big to put on a plot. If a area has no vault then you are limited to what you can put on the plot and if you choose a vautl then you cant place anything else, as most plots are only larger enough to hold the vault.

#4 It would be nice to have a style of houses for each race. I think that some races got the shaft with haveing no home to suit there needs. This just seems so unfair.
